Delicious desserts for diabetics

One of the biggest problems for diabetics is undoubtedly the attention they must pay to their consumption of sugar, taking care at all times glucose throughout the day to avoid both excesses and deficiencies. All this makes look deprived of the pleasure of eating many foods, sweet, certain fruit and, of course, desserts that were previously used.
The importance to have a healthy life where nutrition is the basic contributions of proteins, fats and vitamins is undoubtedly indispensable, as well as physical exercise and control our weight, but we also say that diabetes doesn't deprive us from the pleasure of enjoying our meals.
There are several types of sweeteners (saccharin, splenda and stevia) that they can well supplement the presence of sugar, each person and each patient is a case, but from here we encourage you to experience in your kitchen knowing what fruits used, ingredients and sweeteners which may be the most appropriate.
Our palate can continue to enjoy always appetizing desserts, so today I offer some simple recipes for your case in particular.

1- Desserts for diabetics:

Delicious desserts for diabetics

Mora light dessert:

Here we will enjoy a recommended intake of antioxidant fruits that are very appropriate for us. Our body and our palate can enjoy it without fear.


200 ml skimmed milk
1 egg yolk
120 grams of blackberries
15 g gelatine
15 grams of whole wheat flour
3 tablespoons of liquid sweetener.


We'll start blending the berries, wash them well before and also add a tablespoon of sweetener.
We are preparing the gelatin, just putting it in water 5 minutes.
Now mix the flour with 3 teaspoons skim milk and the egg yolk.
In a pot we will heat the remaining milk with two tablespoons of sweetener.
When you boil milk, add the flour and the egg yolks stirring.
Now add the gelatin, and then remove the pot from the heat.
When the mixture is already cool, we include the juice from berries we have prepared at the beginning. Stir it until it is homogeneous and take form. The taste is sensational and very suitable for diabetics.

Lemon sorbet:

Delicious desserts for diabetics


1 glass of skimmed milk
1 cup of lemon juice.
Lemon zest.
Liquid sweetener.


The egg whites mix all the ingredients in the mixer less.
Once mixed, add the sweetener. A balanced quantity.
We now mix in the freezer, and when half-ice-cream, beat the egg about to snow and add it to this prepared fresh milk and lemon.
We return it to put in the freezer, and when it is frozen, we can serve. This sorbet is a very adequate amount of fats and carbohydrates.

Puff pastry tart:

Delicious desserts for diabetics


90 grams of light (without sugar or fructose) raspberry jam.
200 g of puff pastry.
300 g ricotta cheese
1 egg.
1 nonfat yogurt.
3 tablespoons of sweetener.
2 cups of water.


We are preparing the base, extending the puff pastry into a container for oven.
We put it in the oven at 200 degrees for that golden, but before we click it with a fork so not swell too.
We are now preparing the filling. In a bowl put the cottage cheese, yogurt, egg and sweetener (three scoops), we beat it well throughout to make a light and homogeneous mixture.
Pour the mixture over the base of already baked puff pastry, and leave it in the oven about 7 or 8 minutes at 180 degrees.
Now shape the coverage. To do this, mix water, raspberry jam and a teaspoon of cornflour graze. We took him to simmer and let stirring until it boils. We turn off the heat and let stand about 10 minutes.
When the jam mixture is warm, we pour it over the cake. It is a dessert delicious and low in sugar, perfect for diabetics that you can enjoy whenever you want.
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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