Bitter chocolate: recipes and their health properties.

Bitter chocolate has countless studios where is applying its multiple nutritional benefits, and is that the Aztecs used it already in its pure State to remedy ailments of the stomach and intestine, as well as to relieve fever, hence to emerge you commonly referred to as "the food of the gods".
We love its flavor, aphrodisiacs and even antidepressants principles relate, it stimulates our production of endorphin and serotonin, essential also to mitigate the effects of the syndrome of chronic fatigue (CFS).
Chocolate bitter (or black), i.e. There is restricted where the added sugar and in which you get a 100% natural product is highly healthy and gives us a number of calories very appropriate, taking care as well as our hearts. All this makes it also suitable for diabetics can consume it but must always do so under the supervision of their doctors.

1- Nutritional benefits of bitter chocolate:

Let us remember that when we speak of dark chocolate we are referring to the pure, which has 90% of cocoa in its composition.
Minerals: contains phosphorus, magnesium and potassium-Theo bromine and caffeine: these two elements provide a stimulant to the nervous system, similar to coffee or tea.
Stearic fatty acid: it is one of its most important elements, thanks to them, reduce blood cholesterol and help our liver is cleaned naturally releasing this lipid.
Tryptophan: It promotes the release of serotonin, which improves our State of mind.
Anandamide: it offers relaxation and sense of well-being.
Phenethylamine: Small euphoric and stimulants.
Epicatechin: antioxidant par excellence, helps us to reduce cardiovascular disease and to mitigate the risk of arteriosclerosis. But attention, important data, adding milk to chocolate black lose its oxidative virtue.
Fiber: pure cacao is high in fiber which helps promote intestinal transit.

2- Studies on the benefits of dark chocolate:

For the heart: Carl Keen, Professor at the University of California Nutrition: an ounce of dark chocolate, gives us so many flavonoids as six blocks together or two glasses of wine, regulate our blood pressure and helps prevent coronary heart disease.
The basic problem is that they are flavonoids which provide that bitter chocolate taste, that is why is always sole you add milk and sugar, and therefore is completely eliminates its large cardiovascular properties.
Antidepressant: Researchers at the school of medicine Hull of York, in the United Kingdom, showed that take some chocolate bitter every day combat chronic fatigue syndrome.
Muscular and cardiac improvements: Wayne State University, Detroit. Its scientists showed that chocolate consumption increases the metabolism of the heart muscles and skeletal muscles, thanks to the previously named epicatechin.

3- Recipes with bitter chocolate:

Bitter chocolate: recipes and their health properties.

Peaches with chocolate:


4 large, ripe peaches.
2 oranges.
50 grams of ground almonds.
250 grams of chopped dark chocolate


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then starting to peel the peaches, cut them in half and remove the central bone.
2. Take the peaches: 2 of them cut them into slices or slats. The other two we will use to achieve a kind of cream or jam, so, cut them into small pieces.
3. Then, we take two oranges, squeeze them to get the juice and mix it with those small pieces of peach, adding also some of the grated orange peel, so the flavor is intense.
4. Melt the dark chocolate in microwave or double boiler.
5. Mix the orange juice, ground almonds and bitter chocolate, peach pulp, and took him to the Blender to make a smooth mixture. We know that this mixture will be slightly bitter, hence it is the choice of each adding a little sugar, butter or cream.
6. A dish we have prepared longer blades or peach slices cut beforehand, will be time well to tip over the mixture made with peach, chocolate, Orange and the ground almonds. It is certainly a delicious and healthy dessert.

Dried fruit with chocolate bars:

Bitter chocolate: recipes and their health properties.


225 grams of oats
25 grams of dried coconut.
100 grams of butter
10 tablespoons of orange juice
100 grams of walnuts.
50 grams of almonds.
90 grams of dark chocolate.


1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
2. We merge butter a Bain-Marie and add the tablespoons of orange juice, or its equivalence, a small glass. Stir it over low heat to make a slightly thick liquid.
3. Lower the heat, add the oats and coconut. When you take ten minutes remove this mixture and bring it to a square mold that you've previously also greased with butter. We pressed well the mixture into the mold.
4. Add the nuts, tightening well, then add the dark chocolate chips.
5. Bake until us / as we see taking a pale golden color. It will not be more than 10 or 15 minutes.
6. When we take them and while still hot, we mark with a knife squares or rectangles, the marks by which we can cut then sticks them once will be cool. It is tasty and very energetic.
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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