Natural Juices to detoxify your kidneys

If we want to enjoy good health we must pay attention to all our organs and take food or supplements from time to time that help us to clean them, especially after the Christmas excesses.
In this article you will learn why it is so important to purify kidneys and how can taking natural juices from fruit and vegetables which, in addition to be very beneficial also you will be surprised by its delicious taste.

Natural Juices to detoxify your kidneys

1- Why should we detoxify them?

The kidneys are organs that are in charge of cleaning the blood of potentially harmful substances in urine and regulate the fluids of the body, among other functions. They are vital organs, i.e., essential to life, and therefore we must take care of them and keep them with a diet healthy and balanced, promptly, with purges based on foods and supplements that help us clean in more depth.

2- Natural juices:

Natural juices are a healthy and easy way to obtain a large amount of nutrients in small amounts.
We recommend you start the day with one of these juices and you will see how in a week you will notice the difference. You will feel lighter because eliminating excess fluids, you will have more energy and vitality, and help alleviate or prevent every kind of kidney disease.
You can choose one of them or go alternating them and combining them.

3- Apple and celery juice:

Celery is one of the more diuretic vegetables that there are, and thanks to its delicate flavor, although we propose it for this recipe it is true that we can include it in any juice. In this case we mix it with Apple, not only because we will thus give you a sweeter taste, but because it is one of the most complete fruits, we can combine it with any food and also helps us to relieve kidney disease.


A branch of celery green and fresh, including the trunk and leaves
3 apples (if they are ecological we can blend with the skin)
You can optionally add some fresh mint leaves.

Natural Juices to detoxify your kidneys

4- Lettuce and fennel juice:

This surprising combination hides a delicious flavor and many properties, in addition to offering us a different way to eat lettuce, especially for those who do not digest it well.
Lettuce has great diuretic properties, but also helps regulate the nervous system, by the this is a juice that is ideal for afternoon or evening.
Fennel, with its special flavor, will give a sweet touch and help us remove extra fluids.


5 well washed dark or green lettuce leaves (avoid the Iceberg variety, which barely contains nutrients)
A piece of fresh fennel root
A teaspoon of honey

5- Tomato juice, onion and sea water:

The Onion is one of the most beneficial for our kidneys. In this case we will combine it with the tomato, a vegetable rich in potassium, and prepare it with a bit of sea water. Sea water works as a very balanced natural supplement.
Although it is salty, the truth is that it contains all the minerals you need our body in their fair proportion, and also is a regulator of fluids of our body, because it helps our kidneys to remove more liquid.


4 ripe tomatoes
Medium onion
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
4 tablespoons of sea water

Natural Juices to detoxify your kidneys

Other tips:

The kidneys are, along with the liver, the only bodies that can benefit much direct heat application, since they tend to cool down. In addition, the kidneys are closely related to our energy levels, and apply heat will increase our well-being and vitality.
We can do it for half an hour a day, using an electrical mat, a bag of water, Moxa, massage or by warming up well throughout the area with natural wool.
We will have this Council especially into account in cold times.
In addition we will try to avoid everything that affects our kidneys:
Milk and dairy products
White sugar
Protein should be limited, especially of animal origin, since it implies a strain to the kidneys.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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