How to make an economic and natural lip balm?

Usually, the lips tend to be one of the parts of the body that suffer most transformations due to the abrupt changes of weather. Either cold, Sun, wind, or other factors, the lips are affected and, sometimes, this makes that part of your face does not have brightness or attractive.
Speaking of the lips, we know that the problem is not just aesthetic. When those annoying alterations are experienced, lips tend to crack, which can cause burning and inevitable discomfort.
It is very important to know that the lips are the gateway of our digestive system and that, Furthermore, they are a very thin area of our body that must be hydrated and protected.

How to make an economic and natural lip balm?

1- What can you do?

First of all, you must start by hydrated well. Together, we recommend using a lip balm that you be more careful in that sensitive area. In this case, we have a very favorable option: create your own guard in a simple, economical way and to your own liking, without leaving home.

2- How to do it?

To make your lip balm, you don't need much. You must only have the following ingredients at hand:

1. Beeswax and honey. With its properties moisturizers and antiseptic, the improvement of consistency in the surface of the skin and its protective action in terms of the rays of the Sun.
2. Butter or cocoa butter. It acts as the main ingredient in our protector. In addition to its ultra hidratante property, provides softness and helps combat the irritation.
3. Olive or almond oil. With its anti-inflammatory action and its significant contributions of hydration and skin elasticity.
4. A clean small bowl.
* Optional: Vitamin E or B. With antioxidant properties and a power special to fight bacteria and viruses and protect the skin.

How to make an economic and natural lip balm?

3- Preparing our lip balm...

First, we will resort to traditional bath. What you should do is to take a bowl of water (a casserole) to put all of the mixture to heat.
Later, mix ingredients in certain quantities. Pour 3 tablespoons of olive oil into the container. Likewise, put 3 of beeswax and 4 butter cocoa or which have decided to use.
If you decide to use any of the two vitamins (either drops or Tablet), crush the Tablet until it becomes a powder or grab the bottle of drops.
Pour 5 drops (or powder that you have obtained) of vitamin, stir and add a teaspoon of honey.
Taking everything together, leave it to warm while you return the mixture between short intervals.
When all the ingredients to form a well defined homogeneous mixture, turn off the fire.
Pour the contents of the pan into the Bowl clean. Wait a few hours until it is completely cold and voila! You will have your homemade lip balm.

Note: If you wish, you can add a good fragrance to your lip balm, whether of coconut, vanilla or a scent that you like. The only thing you need to do is add it to the Pan while everything is heating up. You can also give some color to your protector, adding your favorite tune. It's simple!, you should only add a few pieces of your lipstick before removing it from the fire and let that they melted; This will give you a special glow to your creation.

How to make an economic and natural lip balm?

Your advantage:

In addition to the elaboration of the balm is very simple, this can last up to six months (even when it has no preservatives or preservatives). And, not sufficing, the recipe is very economical and can be prepared and modified to your liking.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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