Sunny-Side Up Eggs amongst Provencal Tomatoes

Sunny-Side Up Eggs alongside Provencal Tomatoes

Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes, everywhere!
Ripe in addition to ready, the globes of goodness are at nowadays inward total array at the farmers’ markets.
The almost unbearable summer rut has spurred the Cherries, Dates, Beefsteaks, Romas, San Marzanos, Oxhearts, Brandywines, etc. to an awesome state of rich, sweetness succulence.
The availability of locally grown tomatoes is 1 of the reasons I honey summer.


Summer tomatoes are in addition to thence incredibly delicious fifty-fifty the most pocket-size of love apple tree dishes tin forcefulness out last perfectly delightful in addition to post a attain straightaway into culinary ecstasy.
Just recollect almost it: thickly sliced red, yellow, in addition to greenish tomatoes drizzled alongside olive oil, sprinkled alongside body of body of water salt, in addition to dusted alongside slivered basil is only perfection. Pure perfection.

Sunny-Side Up Eggs alongside Provencal Tomatoes

Truth to last told, tomatoes get upwardly almost whatever savory dish, from soups in addition to salads to casseroles in addition to gratins.
Take for event these Sunny-Side Up Eggs alongside Provencal Tomatoes. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fairly elementary dish that is nonetheless tasty, appetizing, in addition to to a greater extent than than satisfactory.

Sunny-Side Up Eggs alongside Provencal Tomatoes

The roasting of the tomatoes concentrates their flavor in addition to keeps them from beingness watery spell the fresh flavors of garlic in addition to parsley keeps ‘em interesting.
This is summertime on a plate.
Healthy, nutritious, fresh, in addition to oh-so-delicious. I hope you, you'll lick the plate clean!

Sunny-Side Up Eggs alongside Provencal Tomatoes                                                                        Print this recipe!

Serves 4

iv medium-size theater ripe tomatoes, halved in addition to seeded
iv eggs
1 loving cup flat-leaves parsley, finely chopped
ii garlic cloves, minced
iii tablespoons olive oil, divided
ii pinches of saccharide (I used coconut sugar)
Salt in addition to pepper taste


Heat ii tablespoons of olive stone oil inward a large skillet over medium heat. Add tomatoes (cut aspect upwardly down) in addition to attain for 10 minutes, until slightly charred.
Flip on the other side, sprinkle alongside sugar, salt, in addition to pepper in addition to attain for farther xv minutes, until they receive to soften.
In the meantime inward a little bowl mix chopped parsley in addition to minced garlic. Set aside.
Transfer tomatoes to a plate.
Wipe the skillet clean.
Heat remaining tablespoon of olive stone oil over medium-high heat.
Crack eggs inward skillet in addition to attain for iii to iv minutes until the whites are only laid but the yolk is withal runny (if y'all similar the yolks to a greater extent than firmly set, only maintain cooking).
Remove from the heat, add together tomatoes, sprinkle alongside parsley-garlic mixture, flavor alongside tabular array salt in addition to pepper, in addition to serve.

Nutrition facts

One serving yields 193 calories, xvi grams of fat, seven grams of carbs, in addition to eight grams of protein.
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