Mixed Vegetable as well as Avocado Salad amongst Almond Herbed Flatbreads


It's almost starting to experience similar boundary hither inward southwestern Ontario, although afterward a long in addition to brutally mutual depression temperature wintertime I'm non counting on sunny warm days sticking approximately anytime soon. But amongst the hint of warmer days on the horizon, I discovery myself thinking to a greater extent than of salads, fifty-fifty if they are oftentimes made to larn along amongst a hot steaming bowl of soup or curry.

My latest dressed-up salad was inspired yesteryear a unloosen re-create of A Taste of Pesachs yesteryear Yeshiva Me'on Hatorah. This cookbook, devoted to Passover solutions, features both classic in addition to modern recipes, consummate amongst lovely total colored photographs of each dish. If y'all discovery Passover, this mightiness simply travel the mass for you, in addition to fifty-fifty if y'all don't at that spot are plenty of various recipes to inspire cooks. Those amongst a sweetness molar won't wishing to fille the dessert section. While the amount of meat in addition to ocean nutrient recipes that occupy the mass for sure won't appeal to vegetarians, this vegetarian was intrigued yesteryear many of the salads in addition to sides showcased inward the book.

Accordingly, afterward flipping through the pages, I was attracted yesteryear a colorful "flatbread" salad in addition to I'm glad I tried it, amongst some small-scale fry modifications.


The salad had a prissy creamy cistron due to the add-on of avocado that contrasts pleasantly amongst crisp romaine lettuce in addition to sweetness cerise cabbage. As the salad is tossed, some of the avocado ends upward getting mashed inward in addition to incorporated, making it an ideal accompaniment to the tangy in addition to zesty dressing that adorns each serving. The almond flour flatbreads brand for an fifty-fifty to a greater extent than substantial salad that y'all tin savor equally an appetizer piece y'all await the remainder of your meal.

Also bookmarked from the collection is Avocado Salad amongst Portobello Mushrooms, Veggie Roll-Up in addition to various kugels.

Notes: I cutting the recipe inward one-half because I didn't ask equally much salad equally the master recipe called for, but it is easily doubled to feed to a greater extent than hungry diners if required.

To brand this salad vegan, omit the non-vegan flatbreads suggested below in addition to purpose flatbreads or croutons that adapt your diet or operate out them out altogether — the salad is substantial in addition to delicious plenty without whatever garnish, other than maybe some freshly cracked dark pepper. Feel unloosen to increase the amount of dressing yesteryear a wee fighting if y'all similar your salad smothered amongst to a greater extent than zing.

You tin brand your ain almond flour for the flatbreads at habitation if y'all can't discovery it or prefer non to purchase it. Blanch the almonds in addition to grind into a fine pulverization inward a nutrient processor, taking attention non to over-process. You wishing a grain-like flour consistency, non a gummy mixture.

I received a unloosen re-create to await over. The opinions expressed hither in addition to my modifications to the master recipe are my own.


sMixed Vegetable in addition to Avocado Salad amongst Almond Herbed Flatbreads
Recipe yesteryear
Adapted from A Taste of Pesachs
Published on April 11, 2014

Simple colorful mixed salad amongst multiple textures dressed amongst a sweetness in addition to tangy dressing in addition to topped amongst herbed almond flour flatbreads

sPrint this recipe

  • 1 1/2 cups almond flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
  • 3/4 teaspoon ocean salt
  • fresh cracked dark pepper to taste
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1/4 loving cup olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons rice vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons kokosnoot saccharide or chocolate-brown sugar
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • a few pinches of dried cerise pepper flakes (optional)
  • sea tabular array salt in addition to fresh cracked dark pepper to taste
  • 1 small-scale caput romaine lettuce, torn
  • 1 1/2 cups cerise cabbage, cutting into sparse strips or grated
  • 12 to fourteen cherry tomatoes, halved
  • 1 large avocado, pitted, peeled in addition to cubed
  • 1 small-scale cerise onion, cutting into fine strips
  • Begin yesteryear making the flatbreads. Line a baking canvass amongst parchment newspaper in addition to preheat an oven to 350°.

  • In a medium bowl, combine the almond flour, herbs, salt, egg, olive crude oil in addition to dark pepper amongst a fork. Gently knead inward the bowl until a soft dough forms.

  • Transfer to the baking canvass amongst the parchment paper, tear off some other canvass of parchment paper, in addition to comprehend the dough. Flatten amongst a rolling pivot until the dough is most 1/2-inch thick. Remove the parchment newspaper from the hand in addition to cutting the dough into 2-inch squares or triangles. Sprinkle amongst to a greater extent than tabular array salt in addition to dark pepper if desired.

  • Bake inward the preheated oven for fifteen to xx minutes or until golden.

  • Meanwhile, ready the dressing. In a small-scale bowl, whisk together all of the ingredients until good combined.

  • For the salad, toss all of the ingredients inward a large bowl.

  • To assemble, dish upward some salad onto a plate, drizzle amongst some of the dressing in addition to hand amongst flatbreads broken into smaller pieces.

Makes 6 servings


This is my contribution to this month's No Croutons Required Soup in addition to Salad Challenge. Jacqueline is hosting for April. Jac in addition to I await frontwards to some other circular of delicious ideas.

More salads to grace your tabular array from :
Avocado Salad
Peach in addition to Bocconcini Salad amongst Arugula
Wild Rice in addition to Asparagus Salad
Chickpea in addition to Lentil Salad amongst Zucchini in addition to Sun-Dried Tomatoes

On the hand of the reading stack: Orwashers Artisan Bread: 100 Years of Techniques in addition to Recipess

Audio Accompaniment: Mark Hollis
Sumber http://foodandspice.blogspot.com/
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