The effects of excessive alcohol on our health

Barhopping with colleagues when you leave the office or take advantage of the weekend to go to a nightclub is well, however, the problem is when the alcoholic beverages are frequent throughout the week. Known in the following article what are the effects of excess alcohol in our health.

There are more and more youth who end up in the hospital because of alcohol, especially because they consume different types and in very little time, just with the idea of getting drunk. The effects are immediate and the person brings out the worst in if, as for example, aggression.

The effects of excessive alcohol on our health

1- Dangers of consuming alcohol:
Excessive alcohol consumption causes a person to be an addicted and that each time you need more to "have the desired effect", such as, getting drunk or well, they don't realize that their reactions begin to fail until long after a few drinks. Alcohol causes undesirable effects on health, both physical and mental.

It is necessary to make a clarification, since these problems or injury is when you drink in excess, not from time to time at a party or a beer on weekends, even a glass of red wine at dinner. We must also take into account that the drinks stronger like vodka or rum make extra work for the liver to be metabolized by the body, which represents an additional wear to a vital organ.

One of the problems of alcohol is that it is a legal drug, contrary to what may happen with other substances. The consequences of consuming alcoholic beverages on a daily basis are also at the family level, with tears, bumps, fights, etc.

And not to talk about what can happen when a person drunk driving a vehicle, like a motorcycle or a car. Not only can cause an accident where removed from the lives of people who pass through the same site, but you can cause damage to herself.

The effects of excessive alcohol on our health

The effects of alcohol on the body:
Beyond what was said in relation to the liver, drinking alcohol in quantity seriously damages the heart and the brain. In the latter case, is affected by confusion and memory loss, as well as alterations in the peripheral nerves that can cause problems in the sensibility and perception.

Without doubt, the alcohol is one of the worst enemies of today's society, because to be accepted in many cultures, we do not realize its effects. In terms of what happens to the heart and cardiovascular system in general, is that it increases blood pressure, causes anemia that weaken the body.

The pancreas also suffers from the alcohol in excess, with inflammation more than painful. And the stomach may be affected by ulcers, gastritis, burning, irritation, a feeling of fire or even cancer in the most serious cases. The bones are growing weaker and weaker and decreases bone mass, by which the person is more prone to breaks or falls in their teeth or molars.

The kidneys are not alien to the effects of ethanol, because it removes more water than are ingieriendo, causing a search of fluid in other organs. You can cause the membranes lose water, generating headache. The lungs can accelerate the rate of respiration and wear instead of improving, as can occur during the exercise.

There are visible signs by the consumption of alcohol, such as loss of body mass, sexual impotence or sterility, skin problems, increased sweating.

The effects of excessive alcohol on our health

How does the alcohol on the brain?
In addition to all the negative effects of excessive consumption of alcohol in the body, something that it is worth noting is how it affects or operates this component in our brain. Ethanol is the compound main of alcoholic beverages, a drug used in medicine as an antiseptic.

It is that makes someone become alcohol dependent or you need increasingly before realising that is drunk. Alcohol is obtained by the distillation and fermentation of fruits, plants and grains, and graduation from the 2 (cider) to 80% (wormwood).

The alcohol acts as if it were a disturbance in the neuronal membrane, which alters its flexibility and permeability. It also increases the inhibitory function, therefore it is believed that removes from us the shame and the feeling of making a fool. The drink is absorbed quickly by the digestive tract, it goes to the stomach and then into the intestine. This process can take between two and six hours, depending on the amount consumed and the alcoholic strength.

In the liver is oxidized, but some quantities have already gone through that stage in the heart, for example. A 10% ethanol is not oxidized and is eliminated by sweat or urine. The frequent consumption generates tolerance, causing problems of synapses in the brain cells and are increasingly accustomed to this effect. This could also respond by that alcoholics have so many problems when trying to quit drinking. Abstinence can cause nervousness, tremors, insomnia, irritability, emotional distress, hallucinations, delusions, nightmares, aggressiveness, etc.

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