An Apple a day can do wonders on your health

Eat fresh fruit is a habit very healthy, because the fruits provide vitamins, minerals and fibers that favor the functioning of different systems in the body. But apple seems to be especially beneficial in several ways, depending on the results of several studies about their qualities.

Eat one or two apples daily can improve your cardiovascular health, reduce the risk for some types of cancer and help you lose weight. Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of including apples in your daily diet.

An Apple a day can do wonders on your health

1- Prevents arteriosclerosis:
Several studies show that people who eat at least one block daily, you have lower levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and higher levels of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). Thus, it is less likely the formation of atheroma (plaques) in the walls of the arteries, causing atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and increases the risk of myocardial infarction.

The cardiovascular protection that provides an apple daily is almost the same as that would provide preventive treatment with statins, agrees with the findings of a study recently published in the Medical Journal. If a person is already taking statins to control your cholesterol level in blood must not leave the treatment, but you can supplement it with an apple daily for best results.

The people who do not have cholesterol problems of all modes can take care of your heart and its arteries, just eating a delicious apple each day.

2- Protection against colon cancer:
The peel of apples contains pectin, a type of natural fiber that the wine is fermented in the large intestine would help prevent the formation of cancer cells, according to the results of a scientific study carried out in Germany. Thus, eating apples would decrease the risk for colon cancer.

3- Helps you lose weight:
In addition to having a very good effect on the cholesterol in blood and on the cells of the intestine, the block can help you lose weight. Various studies have found that people who eat an apple a day lose approximately 1.5 kg in some months, without making any diet. Eat apples will not work miracles, but it sure will help you if you want to take care of your health and lower some kilos.

An Apple a day can do wonders on your health

4- More benefits of eating apples:
There are still many benefits to be discovered about the tasty apples. Even though it is not a fruit that stand out for its vitamin content, the apple has quercetin, a potent antioxidant that helps prevent the prevent the premature aging of all tissues.

On the other hand, the apple is rich in potassium, a mineral that has diuretic effect and prevents arterial hypertension by fluid retention.

Finally, some of the "phytochemicals" present in the apple have a effect anti inflammatory on the airway, relieving the symptoms of asthma, showed an investigation conducted at the University of Aberdeen.

As you can see, undoubtedly eating an apple daily is a habit that you can improve your health in many aspects. So what if you start today?

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