Although health experts are fighting among themselves about the amount of sodium that is safe to eat, the reality is that most of us can survive with less salt (our largest source of sodium).
Remove a little salt in our diet will help to lower blood pressure, as well as keep the heart, kidneys and bones healthy. Here are 6 ways to reduce sodium in your diet.
1- Eating at home:
Meals from restaurants or food companies use high amounts of sodium. If you want to reduce the salt in your diet, the ideal is to cook at home, where you will be able to measure the amount of salt that you use. As a suggestion, if it costs you to cook every night you can go by the food (for example the weekend) and freeze it in portions that you thaw it when necessary.
2- Eat lots of fruits and vegetables:
Even if you are having trouble leaving the salt shaker, test including many fruits and vegetables at meals. Research confirms that the consumption of foods rich in potassium helps to mitigate the impact of sodium through the reduction of blood pressure and dilation of the arteries. If you really want to neutralize some of the harmful effects of sodium, eat these foods with potassium as: oranges, bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, apricots, melon and beans.
3- Gradually reduce salt:
Needless to say goodbye dramatically to salt, small reductions of 25% of salt will pass unnoticed. It is a scientific fact that salt is an acquired taste, the more you eat, most usually one to it.
4- Look at the labels on the containers:
Ideally, away from highly processed foods and choose the most minimally processed and fresh. But if you are one of those who must buy processed, concentrate on the nutritional information on the label to find out which products have the lowest levels of sodium. For greater impact, look at all the labels of the products that you buy frequently, whether they are crackers, water, sausages, white bread, cheese, ham, etc.
5- Eat some foods without salt:
It is not necessary to renounce all products to maintain sodium levels in check. It considers the use of convenience ingredients without salt in soups, stews and casseroles. Then add salt to taste, in moderation. Frozen vegetables are simpler without salt. The same happens with dry beans, chickpeas and vegetables canned unsalted.
6- Use fresh herbs and spices:
The salt can be a great flavor enhancer, but foods that have a salty taste are not the tastiest. Instead of letting salt dominate a dish, try seasoning your food with spices and fresh herbs. Curry, pepper, thyme, garlic and onions can help you to make the flavor of your food
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.