Treat uric acid and gout with healthy juices

The excess of uric acid in our kidneys, joints and soft tissue. You may lead us to various diseases. One of the most common is a striking swelling of the toe of the foot that is accompanied by other symptoms such as the gritty of the skin and itching, although they can also get kidney stones appear.
Usually the uric acid is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle where there is high consumption of red meat, oily fish and seafood, all this leads to a dangerous obesity where our blood is full of toxins and small crystals of salts of do, very harmful for health, elements that cannot be removed by our kidneys and that , in many cases, is due to genetic background.

Treat uric acid and gout with healthy juices

1- How to prevent excess uric acid:

We must regulate to the extent possible the rate of uric acid in blood, all this will be that we avoid the appearance of the drop and that our kidneys can eliminate and better filtering our blood freeing us from toxins. Doctors suggest that the threshold for uric acid will appear the feared attacks of gout is approximately 6.7 mg/dl. From here they would begin to form harmful crystals.
We must follow as a diet low in calories, caring for the intake of purines, these elements present in meats, seafood and blue fish, which are therefore completely forbidden.
You then indicate those foods that you must eliminate from your diet:
Red and game meat (wild boar, Hare, rabbit...) Likewise avoid organ meats, liver, Sweetbreads...
Fish such as sardines, tuna, caviar, anchovies, as well as the seafood: shrimps, crabs, crayfish, mussels...
Alcohol: avoid alcohol consumption, their intake directly increases the levels of uric acid.

2- Healthy juices to treat uric acid:

Treat uric acid and gout with healthy juices

1. Orange, lemon juice and horseradish:

Maybe that combination seems strange to you, but this juice is rich in folic acid and vitamin C and minerals suitable to reduce the uric acid.


2 oranges
3 radishes
2 lemons


Wash radishes in small, then extract the juice of citrus fruits. Then, take it all to the mixer. Add a little water if you like, but try to drink it every day at noon, freshly made and fresh. It relieves pain and reduces uric acid.

Treat uric acid and gout with healthy juices

2. Carrots, mango and cherry juice:

This juice is as tasty as cash, helps reduce uric acid, especially cherries, great allies to eliminate this component of your body.


4 carrots
1/2 mango
30 g of cherries
1 slice of pineapple
1/2 cucumber
1 Creole lemon


Wash and chop all the ingredients, so that in this way, will be easier to take them to the mixer to get the juice. To be effective you must drink it twice a day for a week. Ideal before meals.

Treat uric acid and gout with healthy juices

3. Celery juice:

It is a medicinal plant with large estates, is a diuretic, exceptional to treat uric acid.


3 stalks of celery


It is very easy, wash and chop the celery branches to carry them to the Blender along with a glass of water. Then strain it and consume it, ideal during meals.

Treat uric acid and gout with healthy juices

4. Apple juice:

In this case it is essential that you consume this juice always after meals, their basic properties will help cleanse the body by neutralizing uric acid that appears in digestion.


Two apples


You can do this in two ways, either boiling two apples and consuming water with which you've cooked them (recommended by nutritionists), either taking them to the Blender to drink its juice. But remember, always after meals.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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