How to remove blackheads naturally

Black dots tend to be one on the skin most common beauty problems, which usually tend to appear more often in greasy skins. This problem occurs when the pores become clogged and the lack of cleanliness or changes in temperature, make the FAT to solidify. They are black because they do not have skin covering them and to be open to the air, the top layer will oxidize and finally take this color.
Usually black dots are located on parts of the face such as the nose and areas attaching to it, to be in the face tend to notice much and this becomes a real problem. Fortunately, there are many ways to get rid of them and don't have to invest large sums of money on expensive treatments since we can do it in a natural way.

How to remove blackheads naturally

1- Beauty routine to treat and prevent blackheads:

To treat blackheads and prevent blisters, it is necessary to comply with a routine of very special beauty that ensures deep cleansing the face and the wetting of the skin. Then you leave the steps of beauty you must take every day to eliminate blackheads and looking radiant skin.

2- Cleaning:

The first step to remove blackheads is applied a treatment of cleaning that leaves the skin smooth and free of any dirt. To clean your face properly you can make a homemade mask or using facial cleansing products.

You'll need:

1 tablespoon of oats
1 tablespoon of yogurt
1 tablespoon of carrot juice
1 teaspoon of olive oil

What should you do?

Mix well all the ingredients to a paste. Apply it on the face, let stand for 15 minutes and remove with cold water.

How to remove blackheads naturally

3- Exfoliation:

To follow the routine of beauty, it is very important to do a peel to remove dead skin cells that are housed in the skin. It is very good that you make a peel 2 or 3 times a week to keep your skin clean and healthy.

You'll need:

1 ripe banana
2 tablespoons coarse sugar
1 tsp. almond oil

What should you do?

Mix well all the ingredients to a viscous paste. Apply on the skin and makes circular massage for a few minutes.

4- Toning:

To make the skin free of impurities, it is ideal to do a toning to achieve 100% clean and soft skin. Make a homemade tonic?

You'll need:

1 cucumber
1/2 liter of water

What should you do?

The cucumber is ideal to repair, moisturize and give vitality to the skin, due to its astringent properties is ideal for removing impurities and excess of fat in the skin.
To make the toner, you will have to cut a cucumber into pieces and put it in a container with a liter of water. It starts to boil for 30 minutes, let stand and cobra applies the skin with a piece of cotton.

How to remove blackheads naturally

5- Homemade masks for removing blackheads:

After cleaning the skin properly, your face will be ready to receive a treatment especially to remove blackheads which both uncomfortable. These homemade masks are ideal to combat this problem and following full beauty routine, the blackheads will no longer be a nuisance.

Pineapple mask:

This mask is ideal for all skin types, the pineapple has astringent, hydrating properties and is ideal to help close the pores where the blackheads are housed.

You'll need:

1/2  natural pineapple juice Cup.
1 tablespoon honey

What should you do?

Mix both ingredients well and apply it on the skin of the face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

How to remove blackheads naturally

Mask of aloe and tomatoes:

With this mask you can eliminate excess fat and agents that influence the appearance of blackheads. Its moisturizing properties will help you to have a skin soft, smooth and free of imperfections.

You'll need:

1 ripe tomato
1 leaf of aloe Vera

What should you do?

Very well crushed ripe tomatoes and mix it with aloe Vera pulp. Place the mixture on the skin of the face and leave it for 20 minutes.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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