Tips to extend and nourish the tabs

The eyelashes play an important role in the beauty of the face and by that most seek to give them special care that make them look long and strong. We almost always want to get a strong look and with more expressiveness, so seek to make lashes look long and with a wavy shape that reflects the beauty of the eyes. In the market there are many products to make eyelashes and give expressivity you both want, however these products tend to be expensive and in many cases do not provide the results that we expect. Would you like to know how to nurture and lengthen your lashes naturally?

Tips to extend and nourish the tabs

1- Tips to take care of the tabs:

Constant cleaning: is very important to clean eyelashes especially when we have applied makeup. The use of masks may harden the eyelashes and break them easily.
You have a balanced diet: when we have a healthy diet and include foods rich in Silicon, we can have different health benefits, and between this enjoy longer eyelashes.
Make a daily brushing: get a specific to eyelashes and peninsulas always brush down upwards.
Remove make-up tabs: remember that it is very important to remove the make-up tabs, for this just enough to use a soaked cotton ball of almond oil and clean.
Avoids the constant use of curlers: curlers use help us look more long and curved eyelashes. However experts recommend use this element with great restraint since it tends to weaken and break the tabs.
Nourishes and moisturizes the eyelash: just as we do with the hair, eyelashes also need nutrients to maintain strong, bright and spectacular.

2- Natural treatments for lengthening and nourish the tabs:

Different beauty studies have shown that the best way to nourish and lengthen eyelashes, is using natural products free of chemicals and with properties that moisturize, give softness and shine. Here are some of the best treatments for your tabs.

Castor oil:

Buy pure castor oil and apply it on your eyelashes using a mask brush. This oil naturally nutria lashes and with its consistent application, you'll see that it also helps you to lengthen them.

Tips to extend and nourish the tabs

Almond oil:

This oil is one of the best allies to lengthen eyelashes and nurture them while you sleep. You can use a mask brush to apply it, or you can also rub it gently.


To apply this treatment of Chamomile the first thing you have to do is remove make-up you good and clean your face. Prepare an infusion of Chamomile, let stand and used a cotton ball to apply it gently on your eyelashes.

Olive oil:

Use pure olive oil to nourish your lashes at night. This rubs the oil with your fingertips on the tabs, always down upwards.

Castor bean and rum lotion:

Prepare this simple lotion of castor oil and rum to lengthen your lashes with good results.

You'll need:

3 teaspoons of castor oil
1 teaspoon of rum
1 mask lash brush

What should you do?

Mix both ingredients well and use the brush to apply the mixture on your eyelashes. You must be very careful to avoid contact with the eyes.


Vaseline is a product that helps give thickness to the tabs and also extended them. To apply wash your face well and removes all traces of makeup on your eyelashes. Apply with your fingers a little petroleum jelly by gentle massage.

Tips to extend and nourish the tabs

Shake to strengthen eyelashes:

To strengthen lashes from the inner part of our body, it is very important to include in the diet essential nutrients and vitamins necessary to give them strength and vitality. This Smoothie has ingredients with all the nutrients they need to get strong, long and expressive eyelashes.

You'll need:

6 carrots
Juice of 4 oranges
1 tablespoon of walnuts
1 tablespoon pine nuts
1 tablespoon honey

What should you do?

Mix all ingredients in a blender and drink a glass of blending during 3 months. In addition to strengthening your lashes, it will also help to strengthen your hair making it look silky and shiny.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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