How to hide or remove spots and freckles on hands

The Brown marks that appear on the hands by the passage of time are a clear sign of aging. Therefore it is worth to note some tips to either disguise them or otherwise, delete them. Read the following article to find out more.

How to hide or remove spots and freckles on hands

1- Age spots: what to know:

As the years pass, the skin will be staining by an imbalance in melatonin, component of the dermis. It is, therefore, that older people tend to have freckles or brown spots in various parts of the body, especially in the hands, neck, shoulders, arms and face. Some factors "help" to worsen the picture, such as a high sun exposure throughout life, not caring for the skin with creams, inheritance or genetics, the type of diet (if healthy or full of fat), how much water is drunk by day, alcohol, tobacco, the makeup, the use of certain cleaning products, menopause, pregnancy , certain medication etc.
While preventive measures can be taken to prevent that they leave those spots on the skin, the truth is that we must do something when they are installed to conceal them or delete them.
To prevent this problem, it is necessary:

Be careful with exposure to the Sun and direct, especially in summer, because this facilitates the appearance of spots. It uses protection factor and if you have too much white skin, please do not hesitate to apply a sunscreen (or a high factor for children). Don't forget to place a good amount in your hands.
Keep always hydrated to prevent hands or stains from appearing or that continue to appear more.
It is necessary for you to drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself inside. You'll be helping to eliminate toxins and avoiding general aging, both the cells and the skin.
It carries a balanced diet rich in foods considered "antioxidants", which will help to keep your skin young and healthy, will remove spots and freckles and will not appear new or these to enlarge.
Consult a dermatologist if the brands are too deep or long time that you have them.

How to hide or remove spots and freckles on hands

2- How to remove stains from your hands with home remedies:

For this recipe that removes stains that appear on the hands, you need a skin whitening cream, juice of one lemon and sun protection factor. First apply the cream on the affected area, so they clarify a bit and go to decrease its unpleasant appearance. It then applies sunscreen on the back of the hands when you're away from home, especially in the beach or the pool. You can use makeup to cover stains, taking into account what is your skin tone until they are gone full or improved their appearance. Squeeze the juice of one lemon and wipe stains once a week, taking into account does not go out that day, since it is not a good combination with the Sun (spot even more).
Other tricks for removing old hands:

A stalk of aloe Vera gel extract and apply two times a day. If you get whey don't hesitate soak your hands in it or rub with a cotton ball embedded.
Mix in equal parts vinegar with cream. It is used for any part of the body, including the hands.
Hydrogen peroxide is a very good partner for stains. You soak a cotton ball in (its scientific name) hydrogen peroxide and placed in their hands every day before bed.
Make an infusion with dandelion (one cup of water per tablespoon of grass). Applied two or three times a day. If you plant, you can open a stem and remove the lechilla flowing to place over your hands daily.
Crush 1/3 cup of chickpeas and add a little water. Leave to marinate all day and places the stain overnight, let it dry and wash. Repeat daily.

How to hide or remove spots and freckles on hands

3- How to remove freckles of the hands with home remedies:

If instead of staining your problem are the freckles, you can take advantage of the benefits of nature to eliminate them, especially if they are in your hands and you start to be ashamed to show them:

Apply the juice of a handful of watercress and parsley with water (crushed) during the night. Rinse just to stand up.
Put heating bath, a glass of beer. When it is about to boil, remove from the fire. Leave to cool a little and washed her hands with freckles. Repeat every day for at least two weeks. After the treatment, you can apply Castor or olive oil to protect the skin.
Cooking a tablespoon and a half root of radish powder and a cup of cream or sour cream. Add a tbsp. and half oat powder. It applies to circular massaging.
Mix a cup of water with a pinch of salt, a dash of lemon juice and a tablespoon of alcohol. Spread with a cotton ball on your hands before bedtime and wash the next day.
Dissolve a little bit of sugar and the juice of a lemon. It is applied with a brush or brush in each of freckles (if you do not have too many), leaves to act half an hour and then rinse.
Mix a tablespoon of pure honey with the juice of a lemon to form a paste, which you apply on freckles, leaving half an hour which take effect. While lemon can dry out the skin, honey will keep it protected and hydrated.
Crush three strawberries and two apricots to form a paste. It is applied on the hands and leaves 15 minutes before rinsing.
It uses a slice of papaya to rub the freckles on a daily basis. Leave it to dry or wait 20 minutes before washing. In addition, the skin will be much more bright and clean.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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