Tasty recipes with cherries

Cherries have exquisite taste where the acidity is mixed with the most juicy sweetness, have an attractive color and, more importantly, their nutritional values are so high that often is called "super fruit", since in its interior hides a treasure of antioxidants, beta carotene, and vitamins, which are outstanding for our health , it is very beneficial to consume them whenever we can.

Tasty recipes with cherries

1- Benefits of cherries:

Cherries contain melatonin, an antioxidant that helps us regulate our heart rhythms and sleep cycles.
The cherries are vitamins C, E, potassium, magnesium, iron, folic acid and fiber.
The cherries are incredibly beneficial to the health of the brain, helping us in our memory.
Eat cherries reduces the risk of diabetes.
There are anthocyanins, which reduce arthritis and gout.
The cherries have anti-inflammatory principles, which help to reduce pain. indicated for pain of tendons and muscles.

2- Recipes with cherries: 

The following recipes are very easy to make, are healthy and digestive, particularly "Cherry water". We must tell you also if you're diabetic not you can eat the cake with cheese recipe, nor made with yogurt because of its excess of sugars. Anyway, doctors often recommend to consume natural cherries moderately, since their properties are very good for diabetes, but that Yes, always in a reasonable way.

Chicken with cherry sauce:

Tasty recipes with cherries


1 chicken (medium)
500 gr. of large cherries that are ripe
Olive oil
1/2 cup of red wine
A pinch of pepper
Powdered cinnamon
1 sprig of thyme


Well, wash the cherries by removing the bone and the tail, to then put them in a bowl with half a glass of red wine that is go macerating, at least four hours, that is why if you want you can do it the night before preparing the recipe.
Season the chicken, already clean, inside and out. We put the thyme inside, spraying him with pepper and spraying it with oil.
We preheat the oven to 180 degrees, then introduced the chicken for at least half an hour
Now with the mixer passed cherries that we have marinated, then return them to let the juice where they were, adding a pinch of cinnamon and powdered almonds. This juice Cook for a few minutes, a delicious sauce that we will accompany the chicken.

Tart cherries and cheese:

Tasty recipes with cherries


120 g cream cheese
70 g cream.
1 / 2 pound of pitted cherries
1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
8 cookies
20 g melted butter
5 tablespoons sugar


To simmer, we started to cook the cherries and sugar to obtain the juice. Then let it stand for at least ten minutes.
Now we prepare pie filling, so, take the cheese, cream and vanilla extract and it beat them all a few minutes to make it creamy.
Now add the jam we have previously made with cherries, trying everything is homogeneous. Then, leave it ten minutes in the refrigerator. If we wish we can beat it, that way it will be more creamy.
We prepare the base, so grind the biscuits and mix with butter. We will put this base in a mold ready for the cake, by tightening so that this basis is compact at the bottom.
Then pour the cream cheese and cherries that we have carried out, leaving it in the refrigerator for half an hour. The flavor and texture is exquisite.

Tasty recipes with cherries

Water of cherries:

Cherries water is ideal to take it after meals, will help us make the digestion and cleanse our body of toxins. Ideal to eliminate uric acid.


200 g of cherries
600 ml of water


We started cleaning well the cherries and removing the tails and bones.
Now we take it to the Blender to obtain a homogeneous mass and lump-free. The color is certainly very attractive. You try to beat them at least for five or six minutes, as that should be as thin as possible.
Now we filter this juice, pressing well to obtain the maximum possible of cherry juice.
Now mix it with the amount of water, not you include sugar, allows the acidity of the Cherry to act alone. Leave the jar in the refrigerator and consume it after meals, you'll see how you feel best when making your digestion. and your health thanks.

Smoothie yogurt with cherries:

Tasty recipes with cherries


4 natural yogurts
3 tablespoons icing sugar
500 g of small black cherry
300 g sugar
sponge cake or chocolate cookies
Kirsch (cherry liqueur is)


We start boiling the cherries next indicated sugar and a little liquor Kirsch. Remove bones, tails and leave them to reduce until thick and very attractive smell of juice. This lasts for at least ten minutes.
Place this syrup in the bottom of the cups you will have prepared (4)
Now place the sponge cake or chocolate biscuits  into pieces over the cream of cherries you've put in the cups, pour, then yogurt.
The refrigerator takes the glasses, leaving them for at least half an hour. This exquisite blend between the acidity of the cherry and yogurt mixture is very delicious. It's a very simple recipe that always comes in handy as a dessert.
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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