Lose weight eating more protein

We have heard about protein diets to lose weight fast, although these may cause overloading our bodies and thus be harmful for our health. But it is true that protein is essential in our diet, and it is possible that not many people are not eating enough quantities and therefore also have difficulty slimming.
We explain how to consume protein in a balanced manner, without abusing the animal protein, to help us lose the kilos more and reduce the waist, among many other benefits.

Lose weight eating more protein

1- The importance of eating protein:

The consumption of protein is especially important in stages of growth, pregnancy or for people who do exercise regularly. But the truth is that you should not miss in our daily menu, and on the other hand many people abuse of carbohydrates (pasta, bread, pastries, etc.) and forget the protein. On the contrary, others consume much protein but always of animal origin, and this excess can cause problems to our kidneys and to our liver.

2- What does protein?

Brings firmness and prevents the sagging of the musculature and skin.
It nourishes our hair, skin and nails.
It is essential to have healthy bones.
It prevents the retention of liquids (in legs, eyelids, ankles, etc.).
It gives us energy, strength and vitality.
It helps to raise the defenses.
It promotes the burning of body fat, especially in the area of the waist.
It prevents constipation (mostly the protein of plant origin).

Lose weight eating more protein

3- A balanced menu:

A balanced menu should contain, throughout the day:
Animal or vegetable protein
Fruits and vegetables, raw and cooked
Carbohydrates, preferably integrated (rice, oats, millet, wheat, etc).
Healthy fats (vegetable's first pressure in cold, dry fruits, avocado oils...)
The proportions will vary according to the age and style of life of the person, but greater assurance be balanced feeding us is the feeling well-being, energy and be in our correct weight.

4- Animal protein sources:

Animal protein sources are as follows:
Meat: (beef, lamb, pork) red and white (chicken, Turkey)
Fish: white (hake, sole, monk-fish) and blue (salmon, tuna, swordfish)
Seafood (oysters, shrimp, mussels)
Milk and dairy products (cheese, yogurt, butter, cream): cow, goat, sheep.
We will try not to abuse the red meat from the sausage, seafood, dairy products with high fat content and instead opt for other proteins. The egg, for example, is one of the most healthy and rich in protein, especially the clear sources.
Also preferably choose green products, since there are many studies which show the amount of hormones and medications which receive animals, and that pass directly to our body. In addition, the conditions in which also have worsen the quality and taste of the food. It is preferable to eat less protein of animal origin but of better quality.
When it comes to cooking them, choose light and healthy methods: grilled, steamed or baked.

Lose weight eating more protein

5- Sources of vegetable protein:

Vegetable protein is also an excellent source and not of lower quality than the animal. Even many people digest it better. Although in general the proportion of protein is lower, the truth is that the body assimilates it much better. In addition, they also contain fiber and many vitamins and minerals, which are essential in our diet. Ideally, merge both into our weekly menus.
Legumes: beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils.
Nuts: pine nuts, peanuts, almonds, pistachios and hazelnuts.
Mushrooms and edible fungi
Fruits: although fruit just contains protein, we highlight the avocado and bananas, which are those that have more.
Cereal: the cereal does not have large amounts of protein, but we emphasize the wheat, semolina, barley and rye. The combination of cereal and legume is ideal to provide a full amount of vegetable protein.
Algae, especially Spirulina
Brewer's yeast
Seitan (wheat gluten)
Germinated seeds
People who suffer from cholesterol or high triglycerides will prioritize vegetable protein rather than the animal, which once a week would be enough.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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