How to make homemade shower gels

They have the ability to relax and let us enjoy a bath of immersion. They can also be used to bathe, even if we have sensitive skins that do not support the chemicals or if we are looking for more natural alternatives for different aspects of our life. Learn how to make shower gels home in the following article.

How to make homemade shower gels

1- Homemade shower gel recipe:

The base of this recipe you can serve to make different types of gels of shower. The ingredients needed are: essential oil, pectin gel (is a substance that comes from the fruit), liquid soap and mineral water. Before you begin, we must that you choose your base, i.e., essential oil, according to your needs. It can be to relax, hydrate, moisturize, etc. In addition, oil is that will bring its characteristic aroma. Some of the best-known are lavender, lemon, jasmine, mint, rose and almond.
Boil four cups of mineral water and add half a cup of antibacterial gel unscented, low fire to a minimum. Add four tablespoons of pectin gel and stir until everything is well mixed. Remove from fire and add 30 drops of the essential oil you have chosen. If you want a more aromatic gel, take 5 to 10 drops. Wait to cool and check its consistency. If it is too thick you can add water and whether it is liquid, more pectin. When you're perfect, pour into a plastic bottle. It is placed in the tub and then stored in the refrigerator.

2- Homemade shower gel recipe:

The ingredients are: water, SOAP castila, pectin and aloe Vera or essential oil. Boil three cups of mineral or distilled water (which is not the faucet), add Cup of liquid Castile SOAP and minimizes the fire, leaving about 30 minutes. He retired from the fire and add two tablespoons of pectin, stirring constantly so no lumps and until a homogeneous mixture. Add cup of pulp of aloe Vera or 25 drops of the essential oil you prefer.
Stir well and leave to cool slightly before pouring the gel in a plastic bottle whose lid is spray. You can have a small bottle in the shower and the rest keep it well closed in the refrigerator.

How to make homemade shower gels

3- Homemade shower gel recipe:

This recipe needs the following ingredients: two cups liquid glycerine SOAP, a cup of distilled water, � teaspoon salt, a tablespoon of jojoba oil and 30 drops of essential oil (to choice). The steps are:
pour the SOAP from Glycerin in a plastic bottle empty, clean and dry.
Add distilled water and salt. The first serves to dilute and the second to preserve. Add jojoba oil to provide more moisture to the skin. Then, place the essential oil (Chamomile is good for dry skin and lemon is ideal for oily skin. Lavender, jasmine and Mint are very useful also). Vigorously shake bottle to blend all the ingredients.

4- Homemade shower gel recipe:

This option uses SOAP in bar (you can save the small pieces that are left). Mix the scent of them all and will provide its properties. Grate the SOAP until a Cup, can also cut it as if they were flakes with a knife. It is mixed with a cup of water in a saucepan, stirring frequently over medium heat. Keep stirring until everything is well mixed.
Removed from the fire and let that be cool. Add few drops of the essential oil that you like so that you have good properties, either to moisturize the skin and relax the mind. If you wish, you can add a little liquid antibacterial soap.

5- Homemade shower gel recipe:

This option is based on the use of neutral shampoo that you will add you salt to to exfoliate your skin, leaving it much smoother. In a bowl pour some shampoo and the same amount of distilled or mineral water. Mix well and pour little by little salt as you continue stirring until acquiring the desired firmness. Be careful with the amount of salt that you place because it can irritate the skin. Then add a few drops of essential oil of your choice. Strain into a clean plastic bottle and use on a regular basis.

How to make homemade shower gels

6- Recommendations when preparing homemade shower gels:

If you use essential oils, do not exceed the quantities suggested in the recipes. Choose from the available varieties (Strawberry, chocolate, coconut, vanilla, raspberry, honeysuckle, lavender, Rosemary) and its healing properties.
As a replacement for oils you can use dried herbs (buds, leaves and stems of lavender, geranium, Rosemary, etc) sprayed with mortar; husks of dried fruits (like orange or grapefruit); spices (ginger, anise, cinnamon) and pure extracts (almond or vanilla).
If you use synthetic fragrances you should know that SOAP heat "off" aroma, so should be placed once it cools.
Instead of using SOAP residue and have to wait to complete a Cup, use a full SOAP with a delicious aroma.
An alternative to melt the pieces of SOAP can be slow cookers, that even though they take longer, require less effort.
First try a small amount of gel in the shower to verify that it is not irritable to your skin. You can place a little in your hand. If passed certain time no symptoms (redness, itching), you're not allergic to it. Sometimes the mixture of ingredients can cause these side effects even if separately they are harmless to your dermis.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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