Delicious recipes with eggs

Surely you believe that eggs can only be eaten fried or hard, but not so. There are plenty of recipes where you are the star ingredient. Be sure to take a look at this article, ideal for those seeking new dishes every day and not get bored in the kitchen.

Delicious recipes with eggs

1- Nest eggs:

This recipe is for 4 persons and is ready in 40 minutes. The ingredients you need are:
4 round and small breads
5 eggs
100 grams of ham
4 slices of cheese
grated cheese
Cut small caps in breads and remove the crumbs. Beat an egg with a little milk and salt. Spread this mixture into four loaves. Then you add the ham into strips or cubes, a slice of cheese and part an egg in each. Sprinkle with grated cheese and a little butter. Place each one in a greased tray and oven takes about 10 minutes, until the eggs are ready and Golden bread.

2- Eggs to the Flemish:

It can be an ideal main course, is very simple to do, takes approximately 30 minutes and the recipe is for 4 people. The ingredients are:
4 eggs
300 grams of peas
4 medium-sized potatoes
3 peppers
1 large onion
1 sausage(optional)
half kg of tomato puree
2 cloves of garlic
olive oil
salt and pepper
Peel and cut the potatoes into small cubes. It passes through olive oil for about 10 minutes until they are soft. Out of the fire and reserve. Preheat oven. Heat up  garlic and onion, salt. When browned, add the crushed tomatoes and let Cook for 8 minutes. Check out the peas for 3 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly. Add the peppers cut into pieces and potatoes as fries. Leave for 5 minutes. Spread the mixture into four saucers or pans of mud and crack an egg on top of each. Over place sausage slices (optional). It leads to the oven for 5 minutes until they are set.

3- Eggs to the Cuban:

Will take you 45 minutes to do this recipe, for which you need (4 seats):
8 eggs
1 large onion
4 large tomatoes
medium red pepper
1 green pepper
2 carrots
2 tablespoons cornstarch
half a liter of milk
2 Bay leaves
olive oil
ground black pepper
Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan and saute the onion, peppers and carrots. Add the bay leaf and salt. Leave for 15 minutes slow. Isolate the cook top eggs for 15 minutes with a splash of vinegar will not break. Cool, Peel, and book. In a bowl place the cornstarch and milk, mix well and passes into the fried vegetables and continues to cook for 10 minutes. Cut the eggs into halves. Place a source with your fingertip down and above pours the sauce.

Delicious recipes with eggs

4- Eggs Galician:

More than simple one recipe that takes only 20 minutes to do it. It is a delicious starter. The ingredients for 4 people are:
4 eggs
sweet paprika
olive oil
Place in a pot with a splash of vinegar water. It is heated and when it boils place the eggs for about 13 minutes. It removes water, leave to cool and Peel carefully. Cut into thin slices and place them on a platter, the same one that you will use to serve. Pour over olive oil and sprinkle with paprika. Cut small pieces of onion and sprinkle with salt.

5- Eggs the Mexican:

It is a recipe for two people, which will be ready in 20 minutes. It may be a different Starter for a special dinner, for example. You'll need the following ingredients:
6 eggs
1 green chili
2 tomatoes
1 onion
2 sprigs of cilantro
4 corn tortillas (or if you don't get pita bread)
olive oil
Chop finely the tomato, cilantro, green chili and onion. Place olive oil in a skillet and saute all of these (except cilantro). When browned, add the eggs. Remove non-stop and fast so that the yolks are dissolved. Leave about 8 minutes until they are set. Turn off the fire and add cilantro. Then season. It serves up pancakes and if you want you can accompany with guacamole sauce. 

6- Eggs to the provencal:

It is a very simple recipe for 4 persons, of the type starters. It will be completed in 15 minutes. You will need:
4 eggs
8 olives pitted black
8 anchovy fillets
1 bell pepper
1 head lettuce
Bring to a boil in a saucepan water with a little vinegar. When it boils, place the eggs and leave for 10 minutes, until they are hard. Cut Julienne lettuce and prepares a "bed" in a fountain with her. Peel the eggs and cut in half. Place the source on top of the lettuce. Covered with mayonnaise and then: a strip of pepper, an anchovy and olive with a toothpick so keep.

Delicious recipes with eggs

7- Eggs in vinaigrette:

It is for two people and it can be eaten as a starter or main dish. In fifteen minutes, this recipe will have list. The ingredients are:
4 eggs
1 onion
100 ml of olive oil
50 ml of vinegar
50 grams of grated cheese
canned black truffles
Chop the onion finely and place in a container. Besides mixing vinegar and oil. Pour over onion. Place olive oil in a frying pan and check out eggs, fried until just before bud set. Place on plates. Sprinkle over the grated Parmesan cheese and seasoned with onion and vinaigrette mixture. Grate over a little truffle. spice to taste.
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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