4 low-calorie natural pineapple recipes

Pineapple is one of the most tasty and healthy fruit which exist, its acid flavor with small touches of pleasant sweetness, make it suitable for all types of Diners, it is ideal to combine to produce imaginative desserts, meats, salads, and no, enjoy their wonderful juices.
To this we add its incredible benefits that nearly all we know and both nutritionists they recommend, are ideal for our diets thanks to its properties, hence, you are strongly recommended to include it in some way in our daily diet, either based on juices in the morning, or sliced fresh that we can add to our salads. That is why we want to give you these simple receptive to your family and you can enjoy the great benefits of pineapple.

4 low-calorie natural pineapple recipes

1- Properties of pineapple health:

The pineapple is a tropical fruit that today you can reach everywhere in the world, and, depending on the season you can get a good price. Although often also available in cans and syrup, we recommend you whenever you take it fresh so you can take you as far as possible of the following properties:

The pineapple is diuretic and depurative
Eliminates toxins
Prevents constipation
It facilitates digestion
Burning fat
The pineapple is rich in vitamins C, B1, B6, folic acid and potassium.
It contains an enzyme called Bromelain which helps make the digestion and destroys intestinal parasites.

2- Pineapple recipes:

Chicken Salad with pineapple:

4 low-calorie natural pineapple recipes


1 boiled chicken
1 fresh pineapple
1 large Apple.
1 lemon
1 head lettuce

For the sauce:

A few teaspoons of olive oil
Two nuts
2 sticks of celery
Mustard seeds
Juice of one lemon
A pinch of pepper


We started washing the lettuce and cut into small pieces according to the desired amount, to then do the same with Apple and pineapple, wash them and cut them into cubes.
Now Peel the celery, grate it, put it in the bowl and add the lemon juice, walnuts also cut to pieces, a pinch of pepper and mustard seeds. We left that these ingredients are maceren half an hour.
When we already have boiled chicken we debone it and cut the meat to slats.
Now include all the ingredients in the Bowl: the chicken chunks, Apple, pineapple, celery, nuts... all this will have a pleasant taste of lemon, mustard and the tonality of the included fruit as healthy as a delicious salad.

Pineapple cake suitable for diabetics:

4 low-calorie natural pineapple recipes


1 pineapple
200 gr of piecrust (puff pastry)
3 tablespoons cream, can be custard or even a natural yogurt without sugar
100 gr of toasted pine nuts
15 raisins.


We began to bake the puff pastry until it is golden brown to us. On it we extend the cream that you have chosen, or we can do it ourselves or we can include a yogurt or a custard unsweetened... or even jam suitable for diabetics. This cream also includes the pine nuts and raisins.<br>Now cut the pineapple to slats and put it on the puff pastry and prepared cream. We take it to the oven for ten minutes so pineapple bake a little and be ready to eat. It is a simple and healthy dessert suitable for diabetics.

Pineapple filled:

4 low-calorie natural pineapple recipes


1 pineapple
3 egg yolks
1 tablespoon cornstarch (corn flour)
3 tablespoons sugar
1 little kirsch
4 bananas
pineapple juice
We start by cutting the pineapple in half lengthwise and away to retain the shell, which will be the mold of this dessert.
Now we do the cream, so we break yolks 3 including a teaspoon of cornstarch, 3 tablespoons of sugar and a bit of kirsch liqueur. We beat it much until it is creamy, to then take it to the fire in a pan with pineapple juice, stirring so that it thickens.
Now we take the bananas and pineapple which we have obtained by emptying it, we went them through the Blender to obtain a paste as homogeneous as possible. Then, mix it with the cream that we had to fire. Cream get is simply delicious.
Finally, we put this cream on crusts of pineapple that before we had emptied. To finish decorate it include merengue well beating the egg whites. We took him all of a few minutes to the grill of the oven to Brown and this dessert will be ready to serve.

Pineapple juice for weight loss:

4 low-calorie natural pineapple recipes


2 slices of pineapple
Half of a lemon
1 teaspoon of Apple Cider vinegar
1 glass of water


It is very simple to make, it's a juice that we will have to take in the morning. To do this we will cut two slices of fresh pineapple, we will take it to the Blender to obtain a juice that will be a little thick.
Then, take a glass of water and add two tablespoons of Apple Cider vinegar, lemon juice and pineapple juice. It may seem a little strange, but this preparation is not only great for burning fat, if not also to improve our digestion. Don't try it.
Try the tasty,easy and best recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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