Benefits of incorporating the pomegranate in our diet

It is a fruit native to Asia, with a history as old as rich. Already in the time of Hippocrates, for example, was used to reduce fever. It is consumed all over the world and religion. There are different varieties and can be achieved mainly during the autumn. You know what are the properties of the pomegranate in this article.

Benefits of incorporating the pomegranate in our diet

1- Information about pomegranate:

It is a fruit with low-calorie and low sugar, making it ideal in diets for weight loss. It has large amounts of vitamins (A, B, C, D, E and K), as well as also potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium and other minerals. Thanks to polyphenols, it has the ability to eliminate free radicals. Red brings the anthocyanins, very good to treat various diseases.
To consume the pomegranate, it is necessary to cut the Crown located on top, remove the light yellow part, being careful not to pierce the seeds. Then, cut the skin into quarters from the stem. Place in a bowl of cold water for five minutes, 'breaking' each section with your fingers. It removes skin and membrane. The seeds remain in the background. Remove them and then leave them to dry on a paper towel.

2- Benefits of Pomegranate:

This delicious fruit is not only known for its color and flavor, but also due to its great advantages to the Agency. The most popular are:

It helps to reduce cholesterol levels and to treat cardiovascular diseases
Due to the antioxidant effect of consuming pomegranate, it serves to prevent thrombosis, atherosclerosis, angina and myocardial infarction. In turn, minimizes oxidative stress, increasing the atheroma plaque. It helps to lower bad cholesterol, LDL and repair vascular injuries.

It is very good for the skin care:

This is because with a large dose of vitamin C, ideal for increasing the process of wound healing in the skin, and vitamin A, which helps the regeneration of the tissues and mucous membranes. Antioxidant and regenerative abilities is good for maintaining the health of the dermis, being recommended also for aesthetic reasons, since it leaves the skin in a better State, preventing wrinkles, flaccidity, spots, aging and "Crow's feet".

Benefits of incorporating the pomegranate in our diet

It is indicated in cases of constipation:

This is because it has a large amount of soluble fiber, although it differs if we eat the fruit or Pomegranate juice. In the latter case you can lose enough. It has a prebiotic effect and prevents constipation. If you suffer from problems of digestive or bowel mucosa, the fruit is best to avoid irritation.

It is a powerful diuretic:

The pomegranate is indicated to power drain the body of the retained fluid, eliminating surplus, due to its content of potassium and sodium. Used as a diuretic and also to prevent the retention of liquids in the ankles (a bad typical in pregnant women).It is recommended for cases of hypertension: its diuretic properties are combined with the inhibiting effects of one of its components, the anglotesina, which is "responsible for" balance the blood pressure.

3- Other properties of the pomegranate:

To prevent diarrhea, intestinal parasites, and dysentery
For gum disease such as gingivitis
For hemorrhoids
To prevent osteoporosis, stimulating the bone mass
It improves the symptoms of depression
It eliminates uric acid (ideal for patients with gout or kidney failure)
It reduces the appearance of cataracts in the view

Benefits of incorporating the pomegranate in our diet

The great powers of the Pomegranate juice:

Recent studies show that Pomegranate juice has many benefits for our health, more than almost any other fruit. A glass of Pomegranate juice gives the body 16% of daily vitamin C needs. Also added to the body acid folic (ideal for pregnant women), potassium (to avoid cramps) and natural phenols. Some of the benefits of drinking Pomegranate Juice are:
It increases sexual desire in both men and women. This is because it increases levels of the hormone testosterone, which also strengthens bones and muscles. Also considered in antiquity that it alleviated the problems of erectile dysfunction.
Eliminate stress: a bad as current that is known to all. Pomegranate provides a sense of well-being and positive emotions, helping to increase the level of activity, energy and vitality. You can consume it in the morning for more benefit.
Lowers cholesterol levels: Pomegranate juice reduces bad cholesterol or LDL for its antioxidant properties.
Avoids the risk of suffering heart attacks: similar to other parts of the fruit, help to keep arteries free of fatty deposits, in turn preventing atherosclerosis. It improves the flow of blood to the heart.
Decreases blood pressure: drinking a glass of Pomegranate juice daily causes a slight drop in pressure.
Reduces the progression of prostate cancer: also considered beneficial for other types of cancer. This is because the Pomegranate juice has components that are "killing" the cancer cells.
Serves for weight loss: better redistributes the fat all over the body and removed it from some "critical" areas such as the abdomen, hips and buttocks.
Other diseases: Pomegranate juice is recommended in patients with sore throat, oral infections, symptoms of menopause, dysentery and conjunctivitis.
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