Figs(Anjeer) fifteen Health Benefits in addition to Nutritional Value

Fig or Anjeer is a lusciously sweetness fruit amongst a texture that combines the chewiness of its flesh, the smoothness of its skin, in addition to the crunchiness of its seeds. Fig is a food rich fruit which tin hold out consumed inwards fresh or dried from. Fig is 1 of the fruits high inwards vitamin, mineral in addition to fiber content. Besides their luscious in addition to crunchy gustatory modality figs convey lots of wellness benefits which are given below:

15 Best Health Benefits Of Figs

1. Prevents Constipation

 Figs are rich inwards fiber which ensures salubrious bowel movement thereby preventing constipation. Laxative nature of figs is real helpful inwards handling of chronic constipation. Consume 2-3 soaked dried figs amongst a tablespoon of honey. Use this continuously for a calendar month every morning time to salvage constipation.

2. Strengthen Bones

Figs are rich root of calcium which helps inwards strengthening the bones in addition to foreclose from thinning of bones. Figs besides comprise a proficient amount of potassium that counteract the increased urinary calcium loss caused yesteryear the high-salt diets, hence assist to foreclose calcium loss which is of import to keep the os density.

3. Protection against Macular Degeneration

Vision loss inwards older people is due to macular degeneration. Consumption of 3-4 figs on a daily solid soil significantly decreases your conduct chances of age-related macular degeneration (ARMD).

4. Relief for Throat

The high gum content inwards figs, helps to heal in addition to protect sore throats. Mix dries fig in addition to dear inwards H2O to larn rid of sore throat. For best results, repeat this procedure on a daily solid soil until yous larn the desired results.

5. Cure Sexual Weakness

Figs convey been used since ancient times equally a cure for sexual weakness. Soaking 2-3 figs inwards milk overnight in addition to consuming it inwards the morning time is said to hold out useful for enhancing sexual powers.

6. Good for Diabetic Patients

Fig leaves in addition to fruit are both salubrious snack options for diabetics. Fig leaves convey anti-diabetic properties. Fig leaves cut back the amount of insulin needed yesteryear diabetic patients who are insulin dependent. Being rich inwards potassium this fruit is useful to command blood saccharide levels.

7. Prevent Urinary Calcium loss

Figs potassium may counteract the increased urinary calcium loss caused yesteryear the high-salt diets. People having high tabular array salt diet may hold out affected yesteryear increased urinary calcium loss. Potassium content inwards figs helps to avoid that.

8. Prevent Postmenopausal Breast Cancer

Consuming figs regularly cut back the conduct chances of Postmenopausal Breast Cancer. Credit goes to high fiber contents that orbit protection against thorax cancer.

9. Prevent Colon Cancer

Fiber acquaint inwards figs is useful to even out out all the harmful toxins from the trunk including cancer causing substances. Regular bowel movement in addition to flushing out of toxins tin foreclose colon cancer.

10. Prevent Blood Anemia

Iron is required for crimson blood jail cellular telephone formation in addition to atomic expose 26 deficiency tin drive blood anemia. Dried figs are rich root of atomic expose 26 in addition to foreclose blood anemia caused yesteryear atomic expose 26 deficiency.

11. Prevent Coronary Heart disease

Consumption of dried figs is highly beneficial inwards reducing the conduct chances of coronary pump disease. Dried figs comprise phenol, Omega-3 in addition to Omega-6 obese acids. These obese acids cut back the conduct chances of coronary pump disease.

12. Lower Cholesterol

Figs comprise Pectin which is a soluble fiber. When nosotros eat soluble fiber it helps to take away cholesterol from the organization in addition to flushes it out of the body.

13. Prevent Hypertension(High blood Pressure)

Figs are high inwards potassium in addition to at the same fourth dimension depression inwards sodium which is real useful to foreclose hypertension. Potassium inwards an of import component of jail cellular telephone in addition to trunk fluids that helps controlling pump charge per unit of measurement in addition to blood pressure. People amongst high blood pressure should oft eat figs to keep normal blood pressure.

14. Kidney Stones

Figs besides assist a lot to take away kidney stones. Boil 3-4 figs inwards a loving cup of water. Consume this boiled fig H2O daily upwardly to 1 calendar month to take away kidney stones. (If yous don't larn relief so consult your work amongst doctor).

15. Weight Gain

Figs along amongst milk are first-class for weight gain especially for underweight persons. If yous are underweight in addition to wishing to gain unopen to weight, yous tin soak ii dry out figs overnight inwards 1 drinking glass of milk in addition to eat it earlier breakfast in addition to yous volition run across the deviation inside few days.

Figs Nutritional Value Per 100g

Fig fruit (Ficus carica),
Nutrition Value per 100 g.
(Source: USDA National Nutrient information base)
Energy 74 Kcal 4%
Carbohydrates 19.18 g 15%
Protein 0.75 g 1.5%
Total Fat 0.30 g 1%
Cholesterol 0 mg 0%
Dietary Fiber 2.9 g 7%
Folates 6 µg 1.5%
Niacin 0.400 mg 2.5%
Pantothenic acid 0.300 mg 6%
Pyridoxine 0.113 mg 9%
Riboflavin 0.050 mg 4%
Thiamin 0.060 5%
Vitamin A 142 IU 5%
Vitamin C 2 mg 3%
Vitamin E 0.11 mg 1%
Vitamin K 4.7 µg 4%
Sodium 1 mg 0%
Potassium 232 mg 5%
Calcium 35 mg 3.5%
Copper 0.070 mg 8%
Iron 0.37 mg 5%
Magnesium 17 mg 4%
Manganese 0.128 mg 5.5%
Selenium 0.2 µg <1%
Zinc 0.15 mg 1%
Carotene-ß 85 µg --
Lutein-zeaxanthin 9 µg --

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