Ulcerative colitis  is an inflammatory bowel illness (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation too ulcers (sores) inward your digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis affects the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) too rectum. Symptoms commonly educate over time, rather than suddenly.
It is frequently caused past times bacterial infection  ( Entamoeba histolytica )which destroys the intestinal wall leading to ulcerative colitis or amoebic colitis. Patient frequently has lower abdominal hurting amongst passage of blood mucous too urging of stools shortly later on eating , because pressure level of food  or gas formed inward the congested colon drive frequent urging of stools
Second mutual drive is Giardiasis caused past times micro organism called Giardia. This status is mutual inward children throughout the globe , peculiarly inward Asian countries . Common symptoms are nausea, loss of appetite , abdominal pain, slimy stools mixed amongst indigested food


SULPHUR 200- Start handling amongst this remedy.

MERCURIOUS SOL 30-Merc sol is ane of the top remedies for ulcerative colitis. The stools are bloody slimy amongst a constant wishing to exceed stool. H5N1 never get- done feeling is present.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 30- Argentum nitricum is roughly other first-class remedy for colitis. Membranous stools too the flatus expels amongst noise. There is hurting inward the percentage of the spleen

ALOE SOC 30-Aloes is also a useful remedy for colitis. There is a constant bearing downward sensation inward the rectum. Bleeding is present. Rectum feels sore too hot , too is relieved past times mutual frigidness water. Lot of mucus too air current is expelled amongst stools too the hurting inward remains inward the rectum later on passing stools. There is a gurgling audio inward the rectum.

ALLIUM SATIVA 30-Allium sativa is effective inward high fevers too fleshy persons. It is useful when colitis amongst stools containing shreds of intestinal mucous membrane is present. Great hunger is roughly other prescribing point

COLOCYNTHIS 30- Colocynth is roughly other effective remedy for colitis. It is indicated when severe cutting hurting inward abdomen is introduce forcing the patient to curvature double. Pains wores from anger. There is bitter sense of savor inward mouth

MERCURIUS DULCIS 30-Merc. Dul. Is also useful for colitis. Here the stools are scanty mixed amongst blood, mucus too bile. Anus sore too burning

MERC COR 30- Great urge to exceed stool, fifty-fifty forthwith later on defaecation. The stool is hot, bloody , slimy too offensive. The abdomen feels bruised too is bloated too really painful to the slightest pressure

LACHESIS 200- Lachesis is ane of the leading remedies for colitis when colitis amongst offensive diarrhoea alternating amongst constipation is present. Here the abdomen is really sensitive to touch.

COLCHICUM AUTUM. 30—Colchicum is roughly other effective remedy for colitis. There is distension of abdomen amongst wind. Also the patient feels hurting inward the percentage of liver. The stools incorporate shreds.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM  30- Diarrhea alternates amongst constipation.Stool  is slimy amongst much mucus, but also contains difficult lumps. Tongue coated thick white. Cravings for acids too pickles

CANTHARIS 30-Cantharis is also a useful remedy inward colitis. The odor of nutrient causes nausea too vomiting. Stools are membranous. The patient experiences colic too at that topographic point is flatulence

CHINA OFF.30- Colitis later on eating fruits or H2O ice H2O , milk. There is yellowish watery stools amongst flatulence . Another cardinal dot is absence of pain. Worse later on eating.

FICUS IND Q- Haemorrhage earlier evacuation. Stools are bloody amongst pure cherry blood too colic.

HAMAMELIS Q- Hamamelis is useful for controlling the bleeding of the illness

FERRUM PHOS 30, FERRUM MET 30- These remedies are used for correcting anaemia  due to colitis.

MAGNESIA CARB. 30- The abdomen is distended Another leading symptom is inward diarrhea the stool is light-green too forced out.

SEPIA 30-In Sepia at that topographic point is entero- colitis. The leading symptom the selection of this remedy is ever worse later on taking milk.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30- There is chronic ulceration too perforation amongst cutting pain, soreness too burning.

SELENIUM MET. 30- Selenium is prescribed when colitis is caused past times tuberculosis of peritoneum.

STAPHYSAGRIA 200- Ulcerative colitis later on insults too injuries similar later on rape.

TEREBINTHINAE 30- Entero- colitis amongst bleeding too ulceration of bowels

THUJA OCC. 200—Thuja is prescribed when colitis occurs on concern human relationship of amoebic dysentery .

Sumber https://ks-gopi.blogspot.com
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