Diphtheria  is a serious bacterial infection commonly affecting the mucous membranes of your olfactory organ in addition to throat. Diphtheria typically causes a sore throat, fever, swollen glands in addition to weakness. But the hallmark sign is a canvas of thick, grayness cloth roofing the dorsum of your throat, which tin block your airway, causing y'all to fighting for breath.
Diphtheria is extremely rare inwards the U.S. in addition to other developed countries, thank y'all to widespread vaccination against the disease.
Medications are available to process diphtheria. However, inwards advanced stages, diphtheria tin harm your heart, kidneys in addition to nervous system. Even amongst treatment, diphtheria tin hold out deadly — upwardly to 3 percentage of people who teach diphtheria buy the farm of it. The charge per unit of measurement is higher for children nether 15.
Causes --The bacterium Corynebacterium diphtheriae causes diphtheria. Usually C. diphtheriae multiply on or close the surface of the mucous membranes of the throat. C. diphtheriae spreads via 3 routes:
Airborne droplets. When an infected person's sneeze or coughing releases a mist of contaminated droplets, people nearby may inhale C. diphtheriae. Diphtheria spreads efficiently this way, peculiarly inwards crowded conditions.
Contaminated personal items. People occasionally grab diphtheria from handling an infected person's used tissues, drinking from the person's unwashed glass, or coming into similarly closed contact amongst other items on which bacteria-laden secretions may hold out deposited.
Contaminated household items. In rare cases, diphtheria spreads on shared household items, such equally towels or toys.
You tin likewise come upwardly inwards contact amongst diphtheria-causing bacteria yesteryear touching an infected wound.
People who convey been infected yesteryear the diphtheria bacteria in addition to who haven't been treated tin infect nonimmunized people for upwardly to half-dozen weeks — fifty-fifty if they don't present whatever symptoms.
Symptoms--Diphtheria signs in addition to symptoms commonly commence 2 to v days afterward a someone becomes infected in addition to may include:
·         A thick, grayness membrane roofing your pharynx in addition to tonsils
·         A sore pharynx in addition to hoarseness
·         Swollen glands (enlarged lymph nodes) inwards your neck
·         Difficulty breathing or rapid breathing
·         Nasal discharge
·         Fever in addition to chills
·         Malaise
In some people, infection amongst diphtheria-causing bacteria causes alone a mild illness — or no obvious signs in addition to symptoms at all. Infected people who rest unaware of their illness are known equally carriers of diphtheria, because they tin spread the infection without beingness sick themselves.
HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES                                                                       
DIPHTHERINUM 200- Start handling amongst this remedy. Give thrice daily , for alone i day.

APIS MEL. 30- Apis mel is indicated when at that topographic point is oedema of the pharynx , amongst stinging pains, ot it may hold out tearing or may hold out painless. Aggravation from heat.There may hold out blisters on the edge of the tongue. Drowsiness in addition to dullness. Enlarged vulva . Puffy, glossy, brilliant ruddy parts. Scaty urine, puffiness well-nigh face.

BROMIUM 30- Bromium is really effective for diphtheria. It is due to overheating or yesteryear wrapping the kid inwards the summertime or at night. Here the membranes from the pharynx. It initially begins inwards the bronchi, trachea or larynx in addition to hence ascends upwards. There is membranous croup amongst much rattling of mucus during cough, but at that topographic point is no choking. It sounds loose but at that topographic point is no expectoration . The patient experiences breast hurting which is running upwards. There is a peculiar symptom, cold inwards larynx on inspiration which is amend afterward shaving which is indicative inwards adults.

CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30-Crotalus hor. Is indicated inwards malignant diphtheria amongst haemorrhagic tendency. There is persistent haemorrhage from the nose. Blood coming from the olfactory organ in addition to oral fissure escaping from mucus  membranes of the buccal cavity.Bleeding from every orifices of body, fifty-fifty travail is bloody. There is edema of fauces in addition to tonsils. There is dysphagia, but is to a greater extent than when empty swallowing. Another indication is the intensely swollen natural language which is fiery red, smooth in addition to polished.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30- Kali bichromicum is an first-class remedy for diphtheria. Here the piece is firm, fibrinous in addition to pearly white inwards colour, develops inwards fauces, tonsils or phaynx in addition to the it descends downwardly to larynx in addition to trachea. There is associated croup amongst tearing rattling in addition to gagging. The discharge is feature tough , stringy , ropy mucus from pharynx or olfactory organ which adheres to business office in addition to tin hold out drawn inwards to long strings. The pains are sticking , in addition to confined to pocket-size spots inwards each instance. Tongue coated thick similar yellowish brownish fur, uvula  relaxed amongst sensation of plug inwards throat.

LACHESIS 200-Lachesis is some other first-class remedy for diphtheria. The discharge from the olfactory organ which is acrid. Throat black red, greyish deep amongst bluish tinge. Membrane to a greater extent than marked on the left , afterward that affection going to the right. There is swelling of glands some neck, drowsiness feebleness of pulse . Cold extremities. Worse afterward sleep. Swallowing liquid or saliva really painful.Symptoms are aggravated from hot drinks.

LAC CANINUM 200-Unlike Lachesis it changes sides starting on i side , oftentimes the left. The soreness in addition to swelling all of a abrupt shifts to the reverse side alone to supply inwards a few hours to the starting point. The membrane is greyish, yellowish in addition to curdy. If ulcers are formed they present similar silvery drinking glass . Paralysis of the pharynx hence that the fluids supply yesteryear the olfactory organ when drinking. There is constant inclination to swallow but is painful in addition to almost impossible , pains extend to ear. It aggravates yesteryear empty swallowing.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUM 200-In Lycopodium dyptheritic membrane arises inwards correct side in addition to hence the left i is affected. The piece may likewise arise from the olfactory organ hence it descends to correct tonsil. All symptoms are aggravated from 4-8 pm. The kid awakes from slumber frightened or cross in addition to angry. Fan similar motion of alae nasi is the leading symptom. Feeling of contraction inwards throat, zero goes down. Food in addition to drinkable regurgitate through the nose.

MERCURIUS CYANATUS 1000- Merc cyan. Is prescribed inwards cases of malignant diphtheria amongst intensely ruddy fauces in addition to slap-up difficulty inwards swallowing. Pseudo membranous deposit extends all over the pharynx in addition to fauces. Very putrid in addition to gangrenous diphtheria. Patient is excessively weak, cannot fifty-fifty teach to his feet. In cases of epidemic it tin hold out used equally an effective remedy. If given earlier exudation is deposited , it volition preclude it to seem at all. Here 30x authorization works.

PHYTOLACCA DEC. 30-Throat black ruddy inwards colour, uvula large, dropsical in addition to almost translucent . Membrane ash coloured. Sensation of a lump inwards pharynx amongst constant want to swallow. Buring inwards pharynx similar a coal of burn or a ruddy hot Fe amongst dryness. Pain shoot from pharynx inwards to ear on swallowing, slap-up hurting inwards source of natural language on swallowing.
NAJA TRI. 30- Naja tri. Is indicated when at that topographic point is an impending paralysis of the heart. The patient is bluish in addition to awakened from slumber gasping. It is to a greater extent than indicated when the larynx is likewise affected.


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