Homoeopathy medicines tin exercise miracles inwards the plain of cosmetic problems.  we accept cosmetic problems similar pilus inwards face,  acne, scar,blemishes, keloids subsequently surgical operation or accidents which at times are responsible for giving the somebody an inferiority complex together with tin brand him take from guild .To relieve him from this, cosmetic surgical operation is for sure an alternative but non affordable past times all. Here homoeopathy comes to his rescue together with tin assist him come upward out of his vanquish together with alive a costless life

Hirsutism  is a status of unwanted, male-pattern pilus increase inwards women. Hirsutism results inwards excessive amounts of potent together with pigmented pilus on torso areas where men typically grow pilus — face, pectus together with back.
The amount of torso pilus you lot accept is largely determined past times your genetic makeup. Hirsutism may arise from excess manly somebody hormones called androgens, primarily testosterone. Hirsutism may besides hold upward due to a identify unit of measurement trait.
THUJA OCC. 1M- Luxuriant increase of pilus on parts otherwise non to hold upward naturally covered past times hair. Give i dose every month
OLEU JEC 3X- This remedy may hold upward given inwards 30- say-so inwards summertime together with inwards 3x say-so inwards wintertime thrice daily along amongst Thuja occ. IM . This medicine is non to hold upward given ii days earlier or subsequently giving  Thuja occ.

A  woman somebody disorder inwards which at that topographic point is evolution of secondary malesexual characteristics , every bit lowered vocalization , caused past times diverse conditiond affecting  hormone regulation
THYROIDINUM  10M- H5N1 specific remedy. Use inwards really high potencies

BARYTA CARB 200- Hair falls out. With other symptoms of Bayta carb. Confusion of mind. Loss of retention , mental weakness. Lost confidence inwards himself. Aversion to strangers
SILICEA 200- For premature baldness.
PHOSPHORUS 200- Copious pilus fall. Hair falls out inwards clouds . Falling of pilus inwards bunches. Itching of the scalp
GRAPHITES 30- Falling of hair. Also from beard together with oculus brows
SEPIA 30- Falling of pilus during menopause or pregnancy. Losing of pilus during headaches
ALUMEN 200-- Falling of pilus of head, oculus brows, eyelashes together with other parts of the body
CALCAREA PHOS 30- Falling of pilus inwards bunches
FLUORIC ACID 30- Falling of pilus inwards patches. Due to syphilis
PIX LIQUIDA 30- Due to the diseases of the scalp. Scalp itches intolerably together with bleeds on scratching
SELENIUM MET 30- It is useful inwards baldness of the whole head
THALLIUM 30- After serious diseases. There is abnormal  together with excessive perspiration  on the head. Total baldness
WEISBADEN 200- The pilus grow apace together with piece of employment darker past times the role of this remedy. It besides helps to cure the falling of hair

PILOCARPUS 1000- Due to dryness of the scalp. This remedy stimulates natural secretion of the scalp
LYCOPODIUM CLACATUM 200- H5N1 specific remedy for premature greying of hair.
ACID PHOS 1C- Hair thins out, turns grayness early on together with falls out
THYROIDINUM 3X- It stops premature greying of pilus due to thyroid diseases . It besides helps to restore the natural color of hair, non turned completely grey
NATRUM MUR 30, PHOSPHORUS 30—Use either of these remedies when indicated or otherwise besides stops farther greying of pilus subsequently diseases

THIOSINAMINUM  3X- H5N1 specific remedy. It dissolves scar tissues  externally together with internally
CASTOR EQUI 1M- Another specific remedy for dissolving scar tissue
VARIOLONUM 200, SARACENIA PUR 1X- Give Variolinum 200 every fortnight together with Saracenia 1x twice daily except on the solar daytime when Variolinum is given
HEKLA LAVA 3X- H5N1 specific remedy for bony prominence

ANTIMONIUM CRUD. 30- Pimples on the seem upward together with shoulders of fatty persons amongst dry out pare together with indigestion
ASTERIAS RUBENS 30- Red pimples on the sides of the nose, mentum together with oral cavity . Pimples inwards the time period between  puberty together with maturity
BERBERIS AQU. Q- Dry pimples. Blotches together with pimples
JUGULANS REG . 30- Blackhead together with pimples on the seem upward . Red pustules
KALI BROM 30- Itching pimples on the face, pectus together with shoulders
NATRUM MUR 200- Pimples amongst oily skin. Earthy complexion
PULSATILLA NIG. 30- Pimples worse at puberty together with at the fourth dimension of catamenia peculiarly inwards girls who are over weight together with accept delayed menses
RADIUM BROMIDE 30-Small pimples amongst keen itching, burning , swelling together with redness

IODUM 1000- It is an first-class remedy  for changing complexion  inwards fair color. Give every fort nighttime for virtually half dozen months
CAUSTICUM 200, LYCOPODIUM 200- To hold upward tried inwards the given monastic enjoin when Iodum fails. Use every fortnight

ONOSMODIUM 10M,  SABAL SERRULATA 30—These remedies changed the life of immature ladies amongst atrophic  breasts
CALCAREA CARB- H5N1 specific remedy  . This should hold upward given inwards varying potencies

PODOPHYLLUM 30-- A specific remedy. Abdomen distended
SEPIA 200- Pot belly amongst other symptoms of Sepia
HYDRASTIS 30- H5N1 specific remedy

PHYTOLACCA BERRY Q- Obesity without whatsoever possible defects inwards the system. H5N1  general remedy to trim weight
THYROIDINUM 200- Excessive obesity due to imperfect component of thyroid gland
PULSATILLA NIG. Q- Due to uterine problems. Patient is shy , emotional together with thirstless
 GRAPHITES 30-  Anemic ypung girls amongst ruddy seem upward together with style to obesity due to delayed menses. Patient accept pare affections together with accept weeping tendencies

Sumber https://ks-gopi.blogspot.com
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