Pityriasis rosea is a rash that ordinarily begins equally a large round down or oval location on your chest, abdomen or back. Called a herald patch, this location tin forcefulness out live upwards to iv inches (10 centimeters) across.

The herald spell is typically followed past times smaller spots that sweep out from the midpoint of your body inwards a shape that resembles drooping pine-tree branches.

Pityriasis rosea tin forcefulness out impact whatever historic stream group. It nearly commonly occurs betwixt the ages of 10 together with 35. It ordinarily goes away on its ain inside 10 weeks. Pityriasis rosea tin forcefulness out drive itching. Treatment may help preserve the symptoms.

Causes--The exact drive of pityriasis rosea is unclear. Some bear witness indicates the rash may live triggered past times a viral infection, especially past times sure as shooting strains of the herpes virus. But it's non related to the herpes virus that causes mutual depression temperature sores. Pityriasis rosea isn't believed to live contagious.

Symptoms--Pityriasis rosea typically begins amongst a large, slightly raised, scaly spell — called the herald spell — on your back, breast or abdomen. Before the herald spell appears, merely about people sense headache, fatigue, fever or sore throat.

A few days to a few weeks afterwards the herald spell appears, you lot may let out smaller scaly spots across your back, breast or abdomen that resemble a pine-tree pattern. The rash tin forcefulness out drive itching, which is occasionally severe.

Complications-Complications of pityriasis rosea aren't likely. If they do occur, they may include:
  • · Severe itching
  • · On nighttime skin, lasting brownish spots afterwards the rash has healed


Homoeopathic medicines are affective for Pityriasis rosea together with cure completely without whatever side effects. Some of the of import medicines are given below-

RHUS TOXICODENDRON 30-Rhus tox is 1 of the best remedies for Pityriasis rosea . It is prescribed when in that location are crimson swollen eruptions amongst intense itching. There is burning eczematous eruptions amongst vogue to scale formation.

BORAX 30-Borax is merely about other best remedy for Pityriasia rosea. Here the peel is unhealthy amongst erysipelatous inflammation amongst swelling together with tension. There is much itching together with stinging pain.

ARSSENIC ALBUM 6—Arsenic alb is prescribed when itching, burning, swellings are present. It is worse from mutual depression temperature together with scratching. Great anxiety together with restlessness are other leading symptoms. Arsenic alb has a peculiar thirst for modest quantities of H2O at curt intervals.

NATRUM ARSENICUM 6-Natrum ars is merely about other best remedy for Pityriasis rosea. It is prescribed when crimson spots seem nether sparse white scales amongst much itching. Warmth together with practice makes itch worse.

RADIUM BROMIDE 6-Radium bromide is prescribed where fiery crimson spots seem amongst severe burning together with pain.

RHUS VENENATA 3-Rhus venenata is prescribed when erysipelaous peel seem amongst much itching relieved past times hot water. The peel is nighttime crimson inwards colour.

TELLURIUM 1000—Tellurium is effective for Pityriasis rosea when band shaped lesions seem amongst offensive smell from the affected part.
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