Borough Market Challenge #4: Two Transatlantic Brunch Toasts

On whatever given twenty-four hours (which may or may non live on atmospheric condition dependant, in addition to unless I'm physically somewhere much to a greater extent than exciting) my caput is ordinarily rattling firmly inwards i of 2 cities: London or Los Angeles. So, when I was coming upward alongside recipes to pitch for the Borough Market Blog this calendar month in addition to I came upward alongside the persuasion of doing a lovely seasonal brunch toast alongside buttery greens, a poached duck egg in addition to a few dried chilli flakes (so totally SE1 where my favourite London marketplace position is based) it seemed exclusively natural to duet it alongside something looking a fleck to a greater extent than frontwards towards the Summer fourth dimension in addition to inspired past times my old 90024 LA postcode (not quite 90210, but hey.) 
Brunch Toastsa vegetable soup bowl made alongside braised greens in addition to topped alongside a poached egg in addition to roughly delicious chilli stone oil at Axe on Abbot Kinney Boulevard inwards Venice. While I bring simply gone on most how 'LA' my SE1 London brunch toast is, it is pretty much a London dish, too. London nutrient is all most the unlike cultures that bring contributed to it, right? And rather than simply using the babe spinach in addition to leeks from Trader Joe's, I've seen what I tin notice inwards the marketplace position past times agency of simply writing 'market greens' on my shopping list. I wholeheartedly encourage y'all to exercise the same. For the recipe for my SE1 Poached Duck Egg, Chilli & Market Greens Brunch Toast, caput over to the Borough Market blog
DSC_0343Blue Plate Taco inwards Santa Monica i tiffin fourth dimension to seek to me I liked it) I bring to a greater extent than than made upward for lost fourth dimension in addition to this is straightaway i of my favourite, at habitation brunches. So it makes the perfect California base. I intend my roommates in addition to I, for tiffin in addition to dinner lived off of sunny side upward fried eggs. I know they seem ubiquitous, but await at whatever publish of LA brunch menus in addition to you'll realise how of import they are. Finally, Pico De Gallo. 
I know I bring spoken most supermarket/ grocery store salsa inwards Southern California before, but simply involve heed me out again. It's important. Salsa inwards the supermarket inwards England is red, inwards the Mexican nutrient department in addition to comes inwards a jar. In SoCal, it is bright, fresh in addition to vibrant, coming inwards tubs from the chiller section. Once you've tasted this salsa, either past times dipping inwards a few tortilla chips, stuffed into your fajitas in addition to burritos, or every bit I bring done hither spooned over your breakfast eggs in that location volition live on no going back. There are several unlike variations that are pop inwards California, but my personal favourite that I ever kept a tub of inwards my refrigerator (I used to purchase mine from Trader Joe's, every bit good every bit their fantastic Soured Cream) was Pico de Gallo, a uncomplicated in addition to fresh mix of finely chopped ripe tomatoes, white onion in addition to jalapeños. I similar to flavour mine alongside a lilliputian body of body of water tabular array salt in addition to fresh chopped coriander, too. For my Pico de Gallo recipe, every bit role of my Californian Avocado Brunch Toast alongside Pico de Gallo & Sunny Side Up Eggs, y'all tin caput over to the Borough Market Blog too.

What province or cities food, ingredients in addition to cooking most inspire the nutrient y'all similar to laid upward at home. I know most European cooks in addition to chef's bring their roots inwards either French or Italian cooking, in addition to patch I would enjoin I autumn into the old category, I intend in that location is much to a greater extent than California inwards my nutrient in addition to cooking than in that location is France. 

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