Fibromyalgia (FM) is characterized by a chronic entity which presents generalized aches and a deep exhaustion, in addition to other symptoms. Mainly affects the body's soft tissues: tendons, ligaments and muscles.
It is more common in adult women, but it can affect men, elderly, and children.
1- Causes:
The cause of the disease is unknown, but there are numerous lines of research:
- Many times the disease manifests itself after a trauma that typically affects the central nervous system
- There is evidence of a pattern of inheritance.
- Other researchers believe that it is caused by an infectious, such as a virus or a Mycoplasma organism.
- A group showed that in the brain of patients the substance P, a neurochemical brain, is three times higher levels than in the controls (no disease) brain.
- Serotonin, a neurotransmitter which modifies the intensity of the pain perceived by the brain, appears to be at deficient levels in patients with FM.
- Investigators are trying to determine if it is an overreaction to normal stimuli, or whether a response amplified to truly painful stimuli.
2- Epidemiology:
It is more common in women, the collective of workers being the most affected, so the FM contributes to job-related stress and domestic life. Also affect people in other sectors of the population: women of any age, to all races in the world and men.
There are not enough studies to quantify those affected. In United States affected figures that oscillate between 4 and 10 million people.
3- Therapeutic sounds for symptoms caused by fibromyalgia:
Fibromyalgia (FM) is a term coined in 1976 (from the latin fiber, fiber, which refers to the connective tissue, [1] from the Greek mine [2] and algia, pain [3]) which refers to a group of symptoms and little understood musculoskeletal disorders, mainly characterized by persistent pain, extreme fatigue, stiffness of variable intensity of muscles, tendons and surrounding soft tissue , and a range of other psychological symptoms.
4- Energy, motivation chronic fatigue:
Sound used to recover the energy and motivation to do the things recommended for fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.
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