Would you like a healthier skin, stronger bones, or a better figure? Your diet includes the following combinations of foods that improve your health.
1- Green tea and lemon for a healthy heart:
Green tea has been linked to a lower risk of heart attacks because it contains catechins, a powerful antioxidant. Catechin is a compound generated by our body in small amounts and which are not absorbed properly. The good news is that scientists have discovered that simply add the lemon juice to a cup of green tea to increase the presence of catechol in the body, improving their absorption up to 80%.
2- Tomato and broccoli against cancer:
Broccoli and tomatoes are a combination of foods that improve your health by preventing the emergence of cancer. A recent study showed that by eating these foods together increases the preventive effect against cancer and may help reduce some tumors. In this case we studied patients with cancerous tumors in the prostate, but it is believed that the effect can be repeated without problem in other types.
It is recommended to consume a cup and half of broccoli with two cups and medium fresh tomato or a cup of tomato juice. There are many recipes that you can implement: pizzas, salads, juices, soups, etc.
3- Red peppers and black beans to improve the absorption of iron:
Iron found in beans is of high quality and better focuses on the bones when combined with foods rich in vitamin C such as red pepper. In addition, the amount of iron that this combination brings is three times gives the meat. Just eat half a cup of red peppers in slices with half a cup of black beans.
4- Egg + mango = firm skin:
Improve the overall appearance and resistance of your skin? It then attempts to consume this pair of foods that improve your health. The eggs are naturally rich in the amino acids essential for the formation of collagen in the skin. At the same time, foods rich in vitamin C, such as mango, work with these acids to increase collagen production. This helps to rebuild the skin, giving it better-looking and more firmly.
You can opt for a breakfast consisting of an omelet and a cup of mango in the breakfast, so we will allow that the effect lasts all day.
5- Lose weight with green tea and pepper:
There are many diets that do not always work and are not as healthy as the green tea with a hint of pepper. And it is that in a study, it was discovered that these two foods increase burning calories naturally 130%. We must remember that the green tea by itself already has diuretic properties and regulatory hormones that regulate hunger and satiety. A cup of green tea you can add TSP of black pepper.
6- A strong skeleton with radicchio and cabbage:
Other foods that improve your health by helping our body to obtain a strong skeleton are the cabbage and Red chicory. The cabbage is considered the Queen of calcium but by itself may be insufficient. To eat really beneficial amounts, it can accompany red chicory, allowing better absorption of calcium from the intestine. You can always make a rich smoothie or a healthy salad that includes half a cup of each vegetable.
7- Green Salad and avocado against UV rays:
Human beings need to be in contact with the rays of the Sun for the proper functioning of our body. The problem is that UV rays can also cause severe damage to the skin, which can be avoided by consuming carotene. We can obtain these nutrients by eating a salad of carrot, lettuce and spinach. The importance of the avocado is the natural fat containing, in that it facilitates the absorption of carotenoids in the body.
8- It improves your digestion with whole grain cereal and yogurt:
The breakfast itself is a metabolic accelerator that facilitates weight loss. To make this possible, it is necessary that we consume balanced products. The yogurt provides us with beneficial bacteria that improve the health of the digestive tract. For his part, whole-grain cereals facilitate intestinal traffic provided that they are complete and cereals like oats or wheat artificial sweeteners without. You can add a quarter of the whole grain cereal of your choice in a cup of yogurt.
9- A perfect heart with almonds and apricots:
If you are struggling with high levels of negative cholesterol or just want to make sure you have a healthy heart, add a good dose of apricots and almonds to your diet. Almonds reduce oxidation caused by cholesterol while apricots that give us a lot of vitamins C and E that retards the oxidation of the body. This combination can be a good snack when something sweet and healthy feel us. Just a quarter Cup of apricots dried and 5 almonds.
10- Combine your food to take advantage:
All the food we have mentioned are totally natural, something that today we must ensure as much as possible. Although our way of life is very hectic and we don't always have time or access to certain products, with the most basic thing we can ensure good health.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.