5 steps to recover the firmness in the face

If you start to notice you the skin of the face slightly loose and a little fall, surely you'll be looking for some means to improve your appearance. A face lift, perhaps, to undergo surgery? At all. There are many ways to recover the firmness, simple remedies that you'll love to know and that will give you results with a bit of perseverance and effort. Do you want to know them?

5 steps to recover the firmness in the face

1- Can we recover the firmness and elasticity in the face?
All may be able to re-activate the rejuvenating powers of our body in some way. We are obviously not going to avoid the effects of the passage of time, that is clear, but if we can achieve to attenuate them through good habits of life, those that improve our health, which reactivate our circulation, our oxygen, that make us feel better... small internal developments that are reflected in our face. Looking healthy, rested and more elastic.

But, what causes in general that loss of firmness, these dark circles and sagging skin?
  • Wrong diet where you are missing vitamins and minerals.
  • Improper hydration. Do not drink water.
  • The low consumption of fresh vegetables or fruits.
  • Poor circulation, which fail to divide up good nutrients and oxygen to the tissues...
  • Not getting enough sleep.
  • Smoking.
  • Have excess weight.

2- Tips to recover the firmness in the face:
We must remember that the skin is repaired, which is able to regenerate itself, as well as the muscles that exist under it. This should encourage us to find that strength of will that every day can help us overcome our face sagging. Surgery? At all, takes note of the following tips and apply them to your daily life with courage and optimism.

1. Yes to good food:
Get a brief exercise in self-criticism. What do you usually eat throughout the day that you know it's bad for your health? Fat, burgers, sweets, industrial foods, foods with flour refined, salted fish...? We are all very aware of what is bad for us, what we are filled with toxins, which produces swelling, fluid retention, and eliminate the contribution of minerals and vitamins which we need so much of our body.

Avoid this high fat diet, because it is Basic. Includes fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet, it is indispensable. Become a fan of varied salads, there where some pieces of fruit, also include some nuts, Apple Cider vinegar... healthy ingredients are also satiety and that will make you feel better.

5 steps to recover the firmness in the face

2. How to start the day:
Ideal infusion of dandelion, with a bit of ginger and a few drops of lemon juice. A wonderful supply of antioxidants that will especially take care of your skin. How to prepare it? Very easy. Check in boiling water about two plants of dandelion, grate the ginger root, enough to get a scoop. Let it boil and stand 5 minutes. Before you drink it, you drop three drops of lemon juice. You'll see how well you feel every day. You can accompany it with a bowl of oatmeal with milk plant, or an Apple... (avoid dairy products).

3. Juice for the afternoon: carrot and aloe Vera:
A food that is essential for the health of your face, capable of providing basic minerals and vitamins to give you a good hydration. You don't have more than washing a carrots (raw), and take it to the Blender along with one tablespoon of aloe Vera - the Central pulp-. Add half cup of water, get a homogeneous juice, and remember to drink it every evening.

4. Remember to exfoliate and moisturize your face:
Each evening we will devote you at least twenty minutes to the health of the skin on your face. Another essential step to get the firmness you want. The first thing we will do is exfoliate your face either with a suitable gel with oats, very practical in these cases (put a little water with a bit of oats and extend it by the face in a circular motion). Then, we will make an infusion with two bags of Chamomile. Once ready, leave it 5 minutes in the refrigerator. When slightly cool, we will apply it on our skin with an cotton bud. If you wish, twice a week you can dispense with this infusion of Chamomile, to apply a little gel of aloe Vera. It is also very suitable for firmness in our face.

5 steps to recover the firmness in the face

5. What about if we do some exercise... and facial?
We are confident that every day, practices already some exercise. You costs nothing to go walking with a friend, or walking on a bike, or even a dance from time to time. Do any daily activity is essential to improve our circulation, and allow oxygen to each of our fabrics. Well, this have it clear, but do practice also facial workout? Isn't it? Explain it to you: is simply, devote ten minutes daily to stretch the skin of your face, moving the muscles in the face to get firm.

An example would be to start with a wide smile, yes a big smile!, as you can see in this gesture are moving a lot of muscles, ideal for if you keep this smile 20 seconds. Very well. The next step will be to make what you see in the picture, stretch your eyebrows toward the front and keep them another 20 seconds. Another exercise: massage your dark circles, circular movements always and around the entire eye. Finally? Do the same in your feel, an energetic massage and circular. You'll see how well you feel. And if you do it every day, little by little you will see great results.

Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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