10 references and benefits of lemon

The lemon Multiple uses are attributed to this delicious and acid fruit that is used in various activities, especially in the culinary. However, it is also used for cosmetic purposes and medicinal, its nutritional value is important.

Including, various gastrointestinal sufferings can be treated by drinking regularly lemon juice in hot water, because this combination is very good for health, as it is the best way to keep the body hydrated. The water also helps the body in the elimination of toxins, which keeps the body in an optimal state. The lemon, for its part, is a fruit rich in minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, vitamin A and C, B complex, proteins and carbohydrates, making it a key nutrient for a correct and complete power.

The citric acid present in the powerful properties on the digestive system, which is used to counteract gastrointestinal disorders such as:
  • Nausea
  • Acidity
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation
  • Parasites.

10 references and benefits of lemon

1- Curiosities about the lemon:
  • Its content of vitamin C contributes to the proper absorption of iron in the blood, which can be used in the treatment of anemia.
  • The lemon also prevents the weakening of the skeletal system and joints, as well as this vitamin promotes the strengthening of the immune system, thus preventing the spread of pathogens through the bloodstream.
  • The lemon, because its purifying effects, it is ideal to prevent the emergence of calculations that represent a health problem quite tricky, because in some cases can result in major complications of health.
  • Its major components, such as citric acid and of course the vitamin C, play a very important role in our immune system, already that stimulate it, thus preventing infectious diseases.
  • The lemon can be considered of great relief natural for the headaches, taking into account that this fruit also facilitates the expulsion of the uric acid in the urine.
  • Another of the positive benefits is their great help in the process healing of external and internal wounds.
  • The lemon is identified by having a high effectiveness to remove ink stains, mildew, and rust.
  • Works such as whitening natural hair, especially hair light tones.
  • It also works on the skin, erasing or reducing freckles, age spots and other disorders dermal in the complexion.
  • This citric acid is also found within the food recommended to eliminate bad odors of the underarms.

2- What is the lemon benefits the oral health?
This is known as one of the homemade remedies more effective to prevent bleeding, due to the tenderness in the gums. To make this remedy is effective, you should only use the lemon peel, coiling it in your index finger, thus ensuring that the white part of the peel is facing outward. Subsequently, it comes to rubbing the gums for several days until you feel the improvement and reduction of bleeding when brushing your teeth.

10 references and benefits of lemon

3- Is it possible to use the properties of this citric acid to the hair?
The lemon can act on the hair more smoothly than the chemicals that are usually applied in the treatment. It is said that the lemon, as such, you can meet 3 important functions in your hair:
  • Eliminate or reduce the dandruff. This can be achieved by applying lemon juice to exfoliate the scalp.
  • Regulate the circulation of the blood in the scalp. The rubbing lemon juice on the scalp works as a stimulant of the bloodstream.
  • Combat hair loss to rub your juice mixed with water. This preparation should be removed with plenty of water regularly.
  • Due to the above benefits, the lemon occupies one of the first places among the fruits with potential curative, preventive and more vitamins. It has been found that its components could cure a number approximately 150 diseases that are present in all the systems that make up the body. It was amazing! Isn't it?

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