Lose weight with grapefruit (or grapefruit)

Grapefruit or grapefruit is a fruit of excellent qualities for health, a wonderful source of vitamins that make it no doubt indispensable for our daily diet. But there is more, if you want to lose weight, the grapefruit has the ability to block enzymes involved in the accumulation of fats: it burns them and removes them.
Take even a grapefruit a day, we will provide multiple benefits to our health and nutrition, getting away not only flu and colds, also improves our circulation, prevent some types of cancer and taken from a specific mode, will allow us to lose a few kilos. We will explain you.

Lose weight with grapefruit (or grapefruit)

1- Properties of the grapefruit:

Essential source of vitamin C, nutritionists point to take a glass a day of grapefruit or lemon, is going to help you get a better quality of life, an essential formula that will cleanse our body avoiding multiple diseases. But see it more closely:
Essential source of vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and E.
Strengthens the blood vessels.
Improve varicose veins.
Rich in vitamin C, beta carotene and bioflavanoids.
It improves the blood circulation problems.
It protects us against the risk of cancer.
Reduces cholesterol
It eliminates toxins, improves the digestive and renal function.
It is an anti hemorrhagic.
It improves prostate inflammation.
Ideal for strengthening hair and nails.
It stimulates the production of white blood cells.
Eliminate intestinal parasites.
It regulates the voltage.
Eating for example half grapefruit, we got more than 150 phytonutrients, most of these flavonoids, thus strengthening our hearts. The following information is another example of their benefits. If we consume 150 grams of grapefruit we obtain:
Calories: 60.
FAT: 0 gr.
Sodium: 0 mg.
Carbohydrates: 16 g.
Fiber: 6 g.
Sugars: 10 g.
Protein: 1 g.

2- Diet of grapefruit (or grapefruit):

Keys to lose weight with grapefruit are based essentially on their satiating property, it is also a very diuretic and it will allow us to fully burn and eliminate fat. But yes, it's a semiayuno diet, IE, we can not keep this diet more than three or four days because we're going to basically consume juice grapefruit and salad, so during those three days will be burning fat, but our nutrition will not be complete, we will not have the right of iron, calcium, contribution or the nutrients they need, that is why we can only keep it for a few days. But yes, we can lose a few pounds quickly.

Example of diet menu:

Lose weight with grapefruit (or grapefruit)

First day:

Breakfast: Medium grapefruit. Coffee or tea (do not include you sugar)
Food: Grapefruit juice to drink. 1 boiled egg. Salad of Arugula, lettuce, tomato and cucumber. Season it with a little lemon juice. Toast bread and, for dessert, a slice of pineapple.
Dinner: Medium grapefruit. A salad of lettuce with Apple Cider vinegar. 150 grams of grilled Turkey Breast.

Second day:

Breakfast: Medium grapefruit and an infusion of Chamomile.
Food: Drinking grapefruit juice. A salad of spinach and walnuts. White rice boiled with a little olive oil. A few slices of papaya for dessert.
Dinner: A glass of grapefruit juice. 150 grams of baked salmon. A tomato salad. A slice of pineapple.

Third day:

Breakfast: Medium grapefruit. A cup of coffee or tea.
Food: A glass of grapefruit juice. An eggplant in the oven. A toast bread with a little olive oil. An Apple.
Dinner: A glass of grapefruit juice. A salad of lettuce, spinach, walnuts and chunks of Turkey Breast, seasoned with lemon. A papaya juice.
This diet should accompany you at least two liters of water a day, the grapefruit is a very diuretic and we need to be hydrated as continuously. If you see that you between the hours you are hungry, uses an Apple, it will also bring you a feeling of satiety and it is also very healthy. But insist that it is a very restrictive diet and that it should not be for a long time because not have the necessary nutrients for our body. But you can do it for example twice a month. The results are usually apparent.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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