"Magical" uses of Rue

Sure you've heard of this herb that can get "male" or "female" and that even, they say, has interesting effects on the esoteric world. Known powers of this plant in the next article, especially what are the "magic" uses of Rue.

"Magical" uses of Rue

1- Characteristics of the ore:

It is a perennial plant of the Group of the aromatic leaves of green yellowish color and small flowers. It is found in dry areas and is very well adapted to the Mediterranean climate. It is present in many houses or gardens because its strong aroma away crops insects, for example.
Many ancient civilizations have used and even worshiped the powers of Rue. The Romans cultivated it and were carrying when they were to visit a prisoner, since it was said that he healed the evil eye. The Chinese used it to counteract the evil thoughts. The Celts Magi said that Rue was a defense against spells, as well as use it to heal sick. It was sacred to the Hebrews, Egyptians and Chaldean, who claimed that the ore was a gift from their gods.
In America, the ore was used by Aboriginal communities to make love and they claimed that after put a branch in the light of the Moon and give the beloved, it could conquer her heart forever.

2- How and when to plant ore?

It is said that Rue is much more powerful (both in the esoteric and the medicinal) If a slice of an outside garden is taken and is planted in the ground by the person who then is going to use, because their energies will be in the leaves and stem. Some steps for planting ore:
Never start the work of planting a ore if you're in a bad mood, depressed, angry or stressed.
A woman can not do it while you are with the rule.
If plants a ore without believing in their properties, just out of simple curiosity, you won't get any effect.
Spend some time, but don't exaggerate. You need enough quantity of Sun and some irrigation.
There are two types of ore: male (with large leaves) and female (with small leaves). The first floor on the left side of the garden and the second on the right.
Not plants ore in a place where cats spend either can be an excellent home remedy for not true site needs to do. It also serves to scare away the toads.
If you see that Rue begins to dry out or shrivel, do not worry, do not try to save it, because it is a clear signal that is absorbing the negativity of the environment and providing welfare.

3- What are the medicinal properties of the ore?

This herb is has used in the medicine traditional from ago centuries. Some of the properties of the ruda are:
Tonifies the arteries, protects blood vessels and strengthens its walls, it treats varicose veins, edema, and other circulatory problems, in addition to prevent internal bleeding.
It has digestive properties, prevents the stomach heaviness and heartburn, reduces gas and indigestion and stimulates biliary function, it is advisable to consume after eating when the intake has been copious.
It has antispasmodic properties, is used to treat colic, diarrhea and stomach cramps.
It promotes menstruation, to increase blood circulation in the uterus, it is therefore not recommended in pregnancy because it can cause abortions.
It is used to reduce the symptoms of stress, anxiety, nervousness, and insomnia, due to their sedative effects.
Calm the pain when there are knocks or strains, reduces inflammation in rheumatic diseases or arthritis.
It allows you to lose weight, reduces fluid retention, it stimulates the release of fatty acids and fatty tissue.
It is good to know that consuming ore in large quantities can be toxic, as well as also if swallowed its oil (which is only indicated for external treatments). You can make a tea from ruda using as much as 12 leaves of the plant per liter of water. Boil and let stand for 10 minutes, strain and drink up to two cups per day.

"Magical" uses of Rue

4- The "magical" uses of Rue:

If you are interested in spells and want to attract good to your home, work or family, you can take advantage of the virtues of this plant for:
Protect: it is one of the most widespread virtues of Rue, preserves envy and creates a protective field who plant or own.
Attract the positive: serves to bring the right people to our lives, love, couple or even a good job.
Cure: It is beneficial to treat different diseases and ailments as already explained in this article.
Reduce negativity: If you are living in an environment surrounded by bad news and "vibes", need a little ruda to absorb the negative that disrupts the household.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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