Medicinal plants to relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Today are still not known clear causes that cause Fibromyalgia, hence it should be approached in a multidisciplinary way. Proper life habits, medical guidelines, a correct diet and these medicinal plants, that can help you much in the day to day.

Medicinal plants to relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia

1- Medicinal plants that can relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia:

Maybe that first you wonder if this series of medicinal plants are really effective. It was the Department of Physiology at the Federal University of Sergipe (Brazil) who told us that there are different natural remedies capable of addressing from different fronts, the effects of fibromyalgia. We must be clear that, obviously not going to cure us, they won't restore our functions to achieve that we can lead a normal life without a trace of pain or fatigue. Only lessen symptoms, making them more bearable if we combine them at the same time, other treatments: medicinal resources, psychological strategies and appropriate nutritional guidelines. But let's first look at how we can help:

Improve the quality of sleep
Reduce symptoms of depression
Reduce pain
Get the stiffness of joints
Reduce inflammations
Reduce anxiety
Slightly combat fatigue
Now let's see which plants can help us.

1. The Devil's claw:

Also it known as "Devil's claw", and you can find her both in natural stores as in pharmacies, in the form of tablets or ready for tea bags. The Commission E of the German Health Ministry, for example, endorses its usefulness to all those who suffer from headaches articular, rheumatic, osteoarthritic and arthritic. It is a great anti-inflammatory and, moreover, they achieve a remarkable reduction of pain. And do you know what is best? There is no adverse effects, something that drugs can never prevented us.
It promotes the recovery by trauma, is a digestive and stomach plant that is also used in the treatment of gastrointestinal problems. The Devil's claw is very suitable for cases of fibromyalgia, ideal if you take it every morning.

2. St. John's wort:

It is also known as the San Juan plant, the St. John's wort is a very effective natural remedy to deal with sadness, discouragement and mild depression. And not only that, this tea is very healthy for our bodies in these cases of fibromyalgia, they provide us with organic acids, essential oils, keratin, limonene and tannins. A natural wonder that is worth taking daily in the morning and in the evening.

Medicinal plants to relieve the symptoms of fibromyalgia

3. The Cayenne Pepper:

It may have surprised you. Usually believed that inflamed the Cayenne, but in reality they are very healthy elements, such as garlic, ginger, mustard. The virtues of the Cayenne Pepper lie in an element called capsaicin, which power the release of substance P that hot which makes your actions is to reduce pain. I am sure that you sound such creams that have precisely capsaicin, which is used to treat various painful diseases. Hence, you should not fear such prepare two infusions a day of pepper Cayenne. A wonderful take it and take advantage of us as well as other elements, way is to heat a glass of hot water, drop a bag of green tea, a remotely of cayenne pepper, and then a few drops of lemon juice. Once you have come to a boil, allow to stand and add a teaspoon of honey. You'll see how well you feel.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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