How to make a banana skin mask?

Banana has many important properties for the health and beauty of the skin, since it is a perfect fruit to make masks on the face and prevent conditions such as acne, also also allows to delay wrinkling. It is also very important in the repair of skin affected by certain diseases such as psoriasis.
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How to make a banana skin mask?

1- Bananas for a healthy skin mask:

The most common way to use banana beauty treatment is applying a mask, which is obtained from the pulp after being well crushed to form a smooth puree. Then apply on the face leaving the Act for twenty minutes, then rinsed with warm water and dry the face with a clean towel.
The banana is rich in potassium, making it a product excellent for preventing wrinkles and help minimize the ones that already exist. Prepare a puree of a banana for this and mixed with a tablespoon of honey, let stand until brown. Very well before applying it washing the face and applies to entire face, including the area under the eyes, it let stand for thirty minutes and then rinse with warm water.
This mask can be used at least three times a week, but if you want you can use it more followed.

How to make a banana skin mask?

2- Peel the banana also is used!

Peel the banana is rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which, in turn, have a lot of benefits for the skin. For example, to relieve an insect sting rubs a banana peel and gradually the itching calms, in addition it helps heal the wounds more quickly. In certain cases to help simply disappear a wart is positioned every night a piece of banana peel in the area for five to ten days.
To disappear the breakouts the banana peel is quite effective, because it will do that outbreaks disappear completely and not allow that traces of injury left. Treatment must do it every night, don't do it until the problem is gone completely. In the same way you can do the same treatment to reduce the symptoms of psoriasis.
Try this easy and useful homemade recipe. Your comments will highly appreciated.
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