Benefits of taking a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey every day

Cinnamon and honey are two nutrients, with many health properties and also with a delicious taste. If we combine them we promote its benefits and also provide them consume daily.
To lose weight, raise defenses, improve digestion, take care of your joints, prevent cardiovascular disease, treat insomnia and exhaustion or increase libido. These are some of the properties that will bring us this mixture.

Benefits of taking a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey every day

1- Benefit:

The mixture of cinnamon and honey consumed daily as we will explain below, provide us the following benefits for health.
Lose weight: helps to activate the metabolism and reduce anxiety by consuming sugar. In addition, the cinnamon is a regulator of blood glucose levels and also helps eliminate excess fluids and fat in our body. Mixed with hot water between meals will take it.
Raise the defenses: this combination is highly calorific and also functions as a natural antibiotic. I.e., helps us to expel cold from the body and prevent diseases caused by viruses and bacteria.
Combat and relieve throat conditions: its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties allow us to treat pharyngitis, tonsillitis, aphonia, dysphonia, etc. Mix 1 tablespoon warm water and take it to SIPs and gargling.
Improve the health of the joints: thanks to its calorific properties and antioxidants, this mixture is ideal for diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, etc.
Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease: since it improves circulation, reduces cholesterol, strengthens the heart and regulates its rhythm.
Increase libido: cinnamon is considered one of the best natural aphrodisiacs, both men and women. Take a tablespoon in the morning and one tablespoon before bed.
Improve digestion and combat acidity: in this case will take a cup of warm water with a tablespoon of the mixture, preferably before the meal, though you can also take then as an infusion.
Get energy and avoid exhaustion: heat and invigorating properties will help us revitalize our organism. We will take the tablespoon preferably on an empty stomach.
Rejuvenate the body: both internally and externally. Thanks to its antioxidant properties help to reduce damage in tissues caused by the passage of time, so it is a good remedy for beauty and also helps prevent chronic diseases.
Combat insomnia: take one tablespoon with a glass of warm water before going to bed.

Benefits of taking a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey every day

2- What do we need?

We need only cinnamon and honey, but these should be of the highest quality.
Honey should be organic, which guarantees that it has naturally processed without adding any substance. In addition, may preferably be Manuka honey, which is which not is has cooked at high temperatures so that it appears always liquid. I.e. that with the cold it should harden. Once we have it we can heat a water bath to melt it without it losing its properties.
On the other hand, cinnamon is also ecological and, if possible, of Ceylon. The aroma will allow us to determine its quality.

3- How do we prepare it?

Mix the liquid honey and cinnamon until it is thick enough. We will keep in a tightly closed glass jar. We can keep it out of the refrigerator if it is a cool place and not too hot. This preparation is well preserved for quite some time without any preservatives, thanks to the properties of cinnamon and honey.

Benefits of taking a tablespoon of cinnamon and honey every day

4- How do we take it?

As a standard dose, daily take one tablespoon of this mixture. For young children the standard dose will be a spoonful of dessert.
We can mix it with a little hot water, and it has the taste of a sweetened tea or with cold water, and in this way will be a refreshing and healthy drink. We can also combine it with juice, milk, yogurt, but always without cooking it.
We recommend to always consult with your physician or naturopath before starting any treatment, since natural products are also contraindications with any medication and its excessive consumption can cause unwanted side effects.
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