14 Remedies to sleep easily and better

Going to bed, turn off the light and you have to sleep, closing their eyes and plugging you well. But it seems that sleep is never. They pass the hours and the nerves are on the rise. You don't want to look at the clock because it is almost so that the alarm sounds. If this is something in your life, then don't hesitate to read the following article. Learn tips and ways to sleep more easily.

14 Remedies to sleep easily and better

Tips for faster sleep:

A third of our life spent it sleeping. It may seem like a lot, but is it really necessary to recover energies (loading the batteries). If we are not sleeping enough, don't have the ability to work, study, have good mood, be healthy, etc. If you have problems to get to safe sleep you will know that it is not very good to go to the office with dark circles that you reach the neck. Productivity will be in background, as well as your judgement, your memory and your concentration. And also, this brings as a consequence the appearance of diseases diabetes, obesity, and a chronic bad attitude.
If you could not sleep one night, maybe you're in a bad mood, but the problem lies in those who never have a good sleep. To avoid this, it tries to follow some tips.

Establish a routine for sleep:

So the body will know at what point should sleep and when to be awake. You will know when it is time to relax and eliminate stress. Try to go to bed always at the same time and wake up at same time (or the most approximate during weekends). Thus the body is not direct.

It carries a daily:

This will help you release stress hormones, and remove the State of alert or sadness. It is not necessary that you follow an order of your thoughts. You can go writing things that ails you or which concerns you. In this way you will avoid stay all night thinking about a solution to a problem, for example.

Consume more magnesium:

Studies indicate that magnesium is necessary for sleep and the night "like an Angel". It's consuming foods such as pumpkin seeds, chard and spinach.

Drink Chamomile tea:

It is a soothing and relaxing beverage which reduces anxiety. A Cup before going to sleep is enough to sleep peacefully until the other day. A handful of Chamomile per liter of water is the exact measurement.

Get more exercise:

If you do sport or activity, your body and your mind, it will be more tired. There will be no excuses to not stay asleep. And it also has other advantages such as lose weight, reduce stress, release tension, tone muscles, improve pulmonary and heart, reduce cholesterol, etc.

14 Remedies to sleep easily and better

It stops working when the sun sets:

If possible, work until sunset. So the body will know that the evening is time of rest and sleep, not keep alert. Take advantage of those hours to do sport, to read, to play with your children, etc.

Taking a NAP:

Contrary to what people think, rest during the day up to 30 minutes (after lunch) ensures better sleep during the night. Not sleep more than half an hour, because after that time you will run the risk of falling into the deeper stages of sleep, leaving you dizzy when you wake up and just want to go back to sleep. The afternoon will be very long.

Sleep seven hours each night:

It is not yet clear how many are the hours that a person needs to sleep by day. Between 6 and 8 okay, but it all depends on your activities and needs. If you're not sleeping enough, the body will increase the production of cortisol, it suffer more stress. You also suffer insulin resistance and you will have more chances of diabetes.

The room only for sleep:

Reserve the bed for two activities alone, sleeping and having sex. Everything else, in environments that corresponds. Eat in the dining room or in the kitchen, watch TV in the room, he works in the office, etc.

Create a relaxing atmosphere:

That means a good mattress, blackout drapes / curtains so that you do not filter the light from the Sun, a tone that is soft in the painting of the walls, a good heating or air conditioning, reduce noise please share bed only with someone who does not have nightmares (or buy a bigger bed), comfortable bedding, etc.

You prefer a cool room to hot:

If you are too warm or with the heater on high you will not only be more difficult to get up in the morning, but high temperatures lead to intermittent sleep, the body stand longer than usual and will begin to dehydrate.

Compensates for the lost dream:

If you went out late Saturday or if you stay till two in the morning studying the next day retrieves those hours that you've not slept. So the account will be you in positive, not negative.

14 Remedies to sleep easily and better

Avoid certain foods before sleeping:

All those things that keep you alert, such as caffeine, drinks tail and the fat is not recommended before going to bed. Actually, it is advisable not to drink coffee after 18 hours.

Don't go to bed hungry:

You must not leave the full stomach because it will be counterproductive. The best is dinner long enough to not be hungry and you don't wake up with stomach pain or anxiety of eating anything.
Try these easy and useful homemade tips.your comments will highly appreciated.
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