Discover the cleansing properties of pumpkin

The pumpkin is a sweet vegetable with many health properties. It is antirust, rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and low in calories, and is recommended to prevent many diseases. We explain your purifying benefits and give some advice to cook this delicious and medicinal food.

Discover the cleansing properties of pumpkin

1- Nutritional properties:

Pumpkin contains 90% water and very low in calories and carbohydrates. On the other hand, it has high content of fiber.
Vitamins: contains vitamin A and vitamin C proprietary, plus vitamins E and those of Group B (including folic acid).
Minerals: it is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc, among others.
One of its main features is a beta carotene content. It is they who give the Orange (the also has the carrot, for example).
Linoleic, aspartic acid, oleigo and Palmitic acid.
Amino acids.

2- Who is recommended?

Based on these properties, the pumpkin is highly recommended in cases of:
Overweight: because it is low in calories, it is diuretic, depurative and contains fiber.
Excess of appetite: since 90% of its content is water and contains fiber. In addition, its sweetness makes that we do not have as much need to consume other harmful health sweets.
Constipation: thanks to its fiber content.
Eye problems: because its content in vitamin A benefits eye health and helps prevent falls.
Cancer prevention: lycopene content helps prevent cancer of the prostate, lung, stomach and bladder.
Pregnancy: by its content of vitamins and minerals, including folic acid.
Skin problems such as eczema. In addition, protects from the Sun's rays.
Imbalances of sugar, such as diabetes and hypoglycemia. In this case we recommend daily consume a cream of pumpkin spiced with a bit of cinnamon, which is also a regulator of sugar (you will also tastes delicious).
Excess mucus, especially in children, as it helps to cough up.
Digestive problems: pumpkin protects the stomach from excessive acidity and gastritis.
Prostate problems: the consumption of pumpkin and its seeds helps prevent and improve prostate problems.
Intestinal parasites: pumpkin seeds are a very old remedy to prevent and eliminate intestinal parasites. They must be taken every day at least 30 seeds, which, combined with the laxative properties of pumpkin, they will be a very effective remedy in children and adults.
Inflammatory diseases, such as arthritis or asthma: pumpkin helps to reduce pain and inflammation.

Discover the cleansing properties of pumpkin

3- How do we cook it?

When you buy a pumpkin look for one that is firm and intact skin. Pumpkins are preserved well long time, some even half a year. If it's summer, we will keep them better in a refrigerator and will consume them soon.
One of the major impediments to consume it is difficult to peel it. In that case we recommend setting it to cook a little cut in pieces. Once the skin will soften, will be much easier to remove it.

4- The pumpkin seeds:

The pumpkin seeds deserve a special mention because they are a very nutritious food with some excellent health benefits.
They are rich in magnesium
They are rich in zinc
They contain Omega-3 fatty acids
They are an excellent food for prostate
May improve diabetes
They are rich in magnesium
They are rich in zinc
They contain Omega-3 fatty acids
They are an excellent food for prostate
May improve diabetes
They are very beneficial during menopause to improve your symptoms
It contains tryptophan, which helps us to rest
They have anti-inflammatory effects
They are a natural remedy for intestinal parasites

Discover the cleansing properties of pumpkin

And how we take them?

We can directly eat them raw or lightly toasted. It is also possible to prepare a drink: you should grind them with water, let stand about 10 minutes, then strain. We can sweeten with a podo honey or stevia, adding a pinch of cinnamon.
For those people who do not taste of these seeds love too, we can prepare a vegetable pate or a pesto sauce. We just need to grind well seeds with olive oil, fresh basil leaves, two cloves of garlic and Parmesan cheese. This sauce will allow us to accompany dishes of pasta or rice. We can also spread on toast.
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