Urology: General symptomatology

Urology: General symptomatology

Pain: Localization, irritation, and type of pain, are important elements for the diagnosis of diseases of the genitourinary tract.

The pain caused by kidney disease usually feels like a dull pain in the groin or bone vertebral corner, which is often along the edge of the ribs to the bellybutton. The pain is often absent, since many kidney diseases do not lead to sudden distension of the renal capsule.

Ureteral pain is caused by obstruction. It usually occurs acutely, it is intense and has a character of colic. Irradiate from the vertebral bone corners, along the ureters to the scrotum, vulva and inner thighs. The level of obstruction can be determined based on the direction of irritation of pain. At the high, obstruction pain spreads to the testicles and vulva, at the medium obstruction pain spreads in the right lower quadrant of the abdomen, and at the low to the bladder.

The pain caused by disease of the bladder feels like a suprapubic discomfort or irritation of the bladder neck.

Chronic prostate disease rarely cause pain.

The pain caused by inflammation of the testicles or their trauma occurs acutely, he is hard, and sometimes irradiate to the bony vertebrates. Pain in inflammation of the epididymis is similar to the pain in inflammation of the testicles. 

The urinary symptoms

Infection, inflammation and obstruction caused by a variety of symptoms during urination.

Frequent urination and nocturia were the most common symptoms that occur in infections of inflammation of the urinary tract. Severe infections caused by constant desire to urinate even if the bladder contains only a few milliliters of urine. Frequent urination and nocturia occur if the bladder capacity was reduced by sickness, or if the bladder is not completely emptied, and left a large amount of residual urine. Urinating large amounts of urine during the night may occur in heart failure, renal failure mobilization of edema diabetes insipidus, and the introduction of large amounts of fluids late in the evening.

Dysuria and burning when urinating occur in infections of the bladder prostate and urethra.

Enuresis can occur due to urinary tract disease but is more often caused by neurogenic or psychogenic disorders.

Urinary incontinence may occur due to anatomical abnormalities physical stress, urge to urinate in urinary tract infections or diseases nervous system. Incontinence can occur in a very stretched flaccid bladder. 

Characteristics of urine

Turbid urine is almost always caused by deposition of uric acid and phosphate during the collection of urine in the bladder, and this phenomenon is usually insignificant.

Hematuria is always of extraordinary importance. It may be due to neoplasms, vascular accidents, infection, abnormalities, calculi or urinary tract trauma. When blood appears in the urine only at the end of urination, then the most likely source of bleeding last urethra or bladder neck.

Renal function tests

It is a useful clinical tests that help in the recognition and assessment of kidney disease, as well as to quantitatively determine how has progressed kidney disease. There are significant variations between tests, during the early stages of kidney disease. Later in chronic diseases, is easier to estimate. These useful tests can be categorized by physiological functions that they measure.

GFR is the most reliable measure by inulin clearance. Urea clearance is less reliable. The level of creatinine or urea in plasma reflects the volume of the glomerular filtration rate, and their levels are increasing, when reduces the size of the glomerular filtration rate.

Tubular transport: transport through the proximal tubule is measured by the percentage of excreted phenolsulfonate for 15 minutes. Transport through the distal tubule can be determined by tests of concentration and dilution.
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